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«    May 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Was Por-Bazhyn fortress an observatory?

Tuvan scientist brought forth a hypothesis that the fortress Por-Bazhyn on an island in lake Tere-Khol, which is one of the entries in the “Nine Treasures” contest, served as an observatory. Candidate of physical – mathematical sciences, Dadar-ool Dan-Syuryun is convinced that the round pottery discs, which the researchers of the Por-Bazhyn fortress call “ornamental tiles”, are nothing else but a schematic depiction of the structure of a solar-lunar calendar of ancient Turk nomads – ancestors of Tuvans.
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Aleksandr Filatenko, translated by Heda Jindrak

Zinaida Semis-ool: “Listen to the music of the mountains”

Bai-Taiga entered Charash Dash into the “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) contest. It is a natural wonder, something unusual, supernatural, as if created by a divine power, it is something astonishing, surprising in its originality. There is a small river, taking its origin in a waterfall. There, under water and on the shore, are scattered multicolored stones and pebbles which look like a woman, milking a cow; like a good man – Tuvan, riding a horse; like many tools and utensils of daily use among the arats – nomads, and like animals.
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Natalia Bogdanovskaya, tuvapravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Four cases of tick-borne encephalitis documented in Tuva

Tuvan physicians are warning the public about the danger of tick-borne encephalitis. Since the beginning of this year, four cases of infection by this deadly virus have been documented. As the chief physician of anti-epidemic station, Eduard Glushkov, announced, last year the specialists of this department, for purposes of annual studies, caught, with difficulty, about 8 thousand ticks in one month in Kyzyl; this year they have alreadycaught 15 thousand ticks in one week. And the numbers will keep growing, warn the health workers.

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info from kyzyl.tuva.ru translated by Heda Jindrak

United Russia will renovate the old cemetery in the capital

Members of the United Russia party, as part of the special project “Moya Pobeda” will renovate the old cemetery in the capital of the republic. Many veterans of the Front are buried there, and there is nobody to take care of their graves once their relatives die. The cemetery, which is in the center of the city, is showing signs of neglect. Here rests the dust of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Adyg-Tulush Baldanovich Kechil-ool, the legendary commander of Tuvan cavalry squadron, who liberated towns and villages of the Ukraine.

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Dina Oyun, traslated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan artist’s exhibition opens in Paris

In Paris, at the L’Aleatoire Gallery, an exhibition of a young Tuvan artist Evgeniy Antufiev opened; he is a laureate of the Kandinsky Prize in contemporary art.

Project “Objets Protecteurs” (Objects of Protection) for which the young artist received one of the most prestigious art awards, will be shown in the capital of France until May 29.

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info from paris-art.com translated by Heda Jindrak

The first winners of artistic gymnastics competition announced in Tuva

Brand new esthetic standards of sports competitions were set in Tuva last Sunday.

In a beautified, music-equipped sports complex “Subedei”, there was a celebration of grace and beauty – the first competition in artistic gymnastics to take place in Tuva. It did not receive the status of a Championship because of the very young age of the participants. Forty-one athletes aged from 3 to 14 years came out onto the gymnastics mat and introduced programs with a hoop, jump-rope, and ribbons to the enthusiastic, admiring spectators.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

In Western Tuva, the conflict between the snow leopard and local residents remains active

altAccording to the research data of WWF, the conflict between the snow leopard and the residents of Western Tuva remains active. The leopards are in danger of getting shot by the herdsmen in revenge for attacks on domestic livestock. WWF continues to actively work with the herdsmen. The conflict between irbis and people originated when the local shepherds took their herds to graze in areas where this predator lives, and the normal population density of hoofed animals dropped off because of poaching.

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Tatiana Ivanitskaya, translated by Heda Jindrak

Two front-line soldiers from Tuva meet in Moscow

altDuring the celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, two front-line soldiers from Tuva were in Moscow – Vera Chuldumovna Bailak and Antonina Yakovlevna Frolova. They used the opportunity, provided by the President of Russia, of a free transportation. Both participants of the Great Patriotic War met at the Tuva embassy. They are of the same age. “I am older, - jokes Antonina Yakovlevna. – I was born in July, and you in December.” They laugh.

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Dina Oyun, photos by author, translated by Heda Jindrak

Memorial complex to the soldiers of Great Patriotic War opened in Tuva

altOn May 9, an opening celebration of a new memorial complex dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War took place in Tuva. Currently, the memorial consists of a composition of 5 granite stelae with engraved names of 3256 soldiers who went to fight fascism from People’s Republic of Tuva, which was then an independent state. It includes the four Heroes of the Soviet Union – Mikhail Bukhtuyev, Khomushku Churgui-ool, Nikolai Makarenko, and Tulush Kechil-ool.

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Dina Oyun, photos by author, gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

“Novosibirsk Avia” airline declared bankruptcy

alt“Novosibirsk Avia” airline filed for bankruptcy, contacting the arbitration court of Novosibirsk region with declaration of insolvency. According to the materials of the court, “Novosibirsk Avia” filed on April 30. The date of the preliminary hearing has not been set yet. General Director of “Novosibirsk Avia”, Igor Borodiy refused to comment on the claim.

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Izvyestiya, translated by Heda Jindrak
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