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«    May 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

“Novosibirsk Avia” airline declared bankruptcy

alt“Novosibirsk Avia” airline filed for bankruptcy, contacting the arbitration court of Novosibirsk region with declaration of insolvency. According to the materials of the court, “Novosibirsk Avia” filed on April 30. The date of the preliminary hearing has not been set yet. General Director of “Novosibirsk Avia”, Igor Borodiy refused to comment on the claim.

As the first vice-governor of Novosibirsk region, Vasiliy Yurchenko told to “Interfax”, the airline has been suffering losses since middle of 2008. To date, before paying out salaries, the debt is around 10 million rubles; the company has more than 600 employees.

“There certainly are grounds for bankruptcy. It is associated, first of all, with the economic crisis - small flights, low passenger flow. The firm needs to optimize its asset complex, change airports from “Severnyi” to “Tolmachevo”, to decrease the maintenance costs”, - he said. The General Director of “Tolmachevo” Airport Company, Aleksandr Borodin, explained that “Novosibirsk Avia” already owes the airport about 6.5 million rubles for land-based services. - “Novosibirsk Avia” has not paid us for 3.5 months, and we have stopped providing these services to them about a month ago”, - he said.

According to the data of the arbitration court site, 6 lawsuits with claims against the company to the total sum of 9.1 million rubles have been submitted since the beginning of this year. The largest of the claims is by OAO “SibirEnergo” (two claims of 4.013 million and 2.03 million), and GUP of Republic Tuva “Aeroport Kyzyl”, with a claim for 2.256 million rubles).

The financial report of the airline for 2008 shows that the airline suffered a net loss of 24.1 million rubles.

The data for 2009 have not been disclosed yet.

Izvyestiya, translated by Heda Jindrak
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