9 July 2010 | Views: 3260 | Comments: 0 |
Tle land of Tandy is saturated with legends of Genghis Khan. The best known is one connected with lake Chagytai. Until these times, different stories circulate among the people: that Dzhagytai, either a son or grandson of Genghis Khan was executed on the lake shore, and the lake was named in his honor. But others say that Dzhagytai was the name of Genghis Khan’s daughter, a beautiful princess who died young. The Khan’s warriors dug out a huge crater. They buried the princess in the center, with inconceivable treasures next to her; then they filled the crater with water. In another version, Genghis Khan himself was buried in the vicinity of the lake. It is impossible to say which of them is closer to the truth. Let specialists decide the mystery. And you can believe the version which is closer to your heart.
Viktoriya Kondrashova, tuvpravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
7 July 2010 | Views: 3553 | Comments: 0 |
A new group of archeological finds from the Valley of Tsars filled in the collections of National Museum of Tuva, after undergoing restoration in the workshops of the Hermitage. This time, archeologists from Institute of History of Material Culture of RAN, Vladimir Semyonov and Marina Kilunovskaya have given to Tuva more than 20 objects, which were found during excavations of the Chief’s burial at Koshpei, located in the vicinity of the remarkable kurgans Arzhaan-1 and Arzhaan-2.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
4 July 2010 | Views: 5879 | Comments: 0 |
The first days of the expedition to evaluate population numbers of rare Altai mountain goat in the trans-border zone of Russia and Mongolia brought worrisome results. The specialists so far found only dead bodies, and have not seen a single live animal, as Mikhail Paltsyn, the leader of the group of experts in rare animal species protection of the “Preservation of biodiversity in the Russian part of Altai-Sayan eco-region” reported to RIA Novosti.
RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak |
3 July 2010 | Views: 3279 | Comments: 0 |
A presentation of the first tourist tours “A visit to the Scythians” and “etiquette of the Tuvan yurt” took place in the framework of thye “Tos Ertine” special project in the Valley of the Tzars of Pii-Khem kozhuun. the presentation was organized by Svetlana Kyzyl-ool, an enterpreneur, and by the open-air museum “Arzhaan-2”. Tourists from Norway and Switzerland, who came together with representatives of Krasnoyarsk firm “Sayanskoye koltso”, were able to evaluate one of the proposed tour itineraries, where they were shown the “Arzhaan-1” and “Arzhaan-2” kurgans, the ecological aspect of the burials was explained, and an exposition of photos of the gold objects found here was shown to them.
tosertine.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
2 July 2010 | Views: 5163 | Comments: 0 |
Tuva started to seriously develop its sports infrastructure. Last year, the republic managed to sign up for federal programs and to receive a subsidy for reconstruction of the main stadioum in Kyzyl, as well as a swimming pool in the capital. This year, Shagonar and Ak-Dovurak are to receive new football (soccer) fields. Construction began on the sports annex at School No.12. This year, students of the oldest Tuvan school, - School No.1 in Turan, will also receive a base for their sport activities.
Dina Oyun, Dolaana Salchak, translated by Heda Jindrak |
1 July 2010 | Views: 3404 | Comments: 0 |
On June 26, at 14 hrs., participants of the “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) contest, teachers from Tarlag school Svetlana and Dolaana Kyzyl-ool along with their students, in co-operation with the directors of museum-preserve “Valley of Tsars”, will introduce an excursion “Etiquette of the Yurt” to connoiseurs of history and exotics. This tour offers bow shooting and horse rides. “We have reached the second stage of the “Nine Treasures” contest, and now we wish to introduce a proposed tour of our contest entry “Valley of Tsars”, which is a unique treasury of Scythian history,” - says Svetlana Kyzyl-ool.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |