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«    April 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva received the gold medal of the "Tursib" exhibition

Today was the last day of the International exhibition of  tourist and recreational services and airlines, "Tursib-2011, which took place in MVD "Sibirskaya Yarmarka" in Novosibirsk. Among the multitude of Russian and  international participants, the Tuvan presentation booth was visibly different in its exotic appearance, at the very least to visitors who are used to relax on sandy beaches of foreign countries. A traditional Tuvan yurt, with interior furnishings, masters of the yurt wearing national attire and a shaman with a drum presented an inimitable image of Tuva. People approached, examined the yurt with interest, took photographs.

To top it off, the well-coordinated work of Tuvan tour operators did not leave the visitors indifferent. For all of that, the Republic Tyva team received a large gold medal for 'Best organization of tour product promotion".   The chief of the Department of tourism of the Ministry of economy of Republic Tyva Alexander Li responded with a speech of thanks.

The contest committee evaluated the organization of the presentation booths according to the following criteria: professional quality of the presenters; formation of the image of the company(uniform, brand emblem, etc.); originality of the booth, creativity , presence and attractiveness of advertising material, as well as additional activities to attract clients.

Small medals went to Kemerovo region, Republic Altai and Khakassia.

Remember that Tuva was represented at the exhibition by the Information center of tourism of RT, as well as firms-tour operators "Alash-Travel", "Tuvinskiye kanikuly" (Tuvan vacation),  and 'Sayanskoye koltso" (Sayan ring). The tourist offerings of the republic included all types of services that exist in the region -  sight-seeing, ecological, ethnocultural, sports, extreme and other tourist directions. In particular, there was rafting, horseback trails, hunting, fishing and others. Beside Tuva, practically all Siberian regions participated in the exhibition, as well as tourist companies from Egypt, Thailand, Vietnam, China and other countries., translated by Heda Jindrak
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