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«    May 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Kyzyl will hold an interregional festival "Musical Summer in Tuva"

On 2 - 6 June, Kyzyl will host the next interregional festival "Musical Summer in Tuva". Composers and performers from Moscow, Tatarstan, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Khakassia as well as from Belorussia and Siberian cities will  participate. The Chairman of the Union of Composers of Russia, Vladislav Igorevich Kazenin, a man who brought significant contribution to the development of musical art in Tuva will be the honored guest. It was precisely Kazenin who stood at the sources of founding the Union of Composers of Tuva.

The program of the festival will consist of chamber, choir, piano and orchestra music as well as  song programs on the stages of the House of National Art, Philharmony,  A. B. Chyrgal-ool Kyzyl College of Arts. Together with the guests, art collectives of Tuvan State Philharmony, Kyzyl College of Arts, National Orchestra of RT, Wind instrument orchestra of Government of Tuva and invited guests will perform.

Tours and meetings of the guests and participants of the festival to the kozhuuns of Tuva are planned.

There will be workshops for beginners and self-taught composers.

The main goal of the festival, as the organizers inform us, is not simply the development of academic types of music, composition, and exchange of experience, but also strengthening the interregional connections in the sphere of cultural activities, as well as a step towards the creation of a single cultural space of Russia.

"Musical Summer in Tuva - 2011" is being held within the framework of annual festival "Panorama of music in Russia", and Year of Classical Music in Tuva. Festival "Musical Summer in Tuva" was an important event in the cultural life of the republic in the 70-80's. the tradition of this festival was interrupted during the perestroika years and renewed in 2003.

Translated by Heda Jindrak
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