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» » Huun-Huur-Tu (Tuva) took part in Mosfilm recording of "Children of the Otter" suite
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«    June 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Huun-Huur-Tu (Tuva) took part in Mosfilm recording of "Children of the Otter" suite

Huun-Huur-Tu (Tuva)  took part in Mosfilm recording of  "Children of the Otter" suiteIn Moscow, the "Mosfilm" studio filmed Vladimir Martynov's ethno-mythological suite "Children of the Otter" on Velimir Khlebnikov's theme. Prominent collectives took part in the project - Perm Choir "Mlada", internationally famous ensemble of Tuvan throat singing "Huun-Huur-Tu", and Moscow string ensemble "Opus posth".

The recording of the concert version of this "Made in Perm" project was done in the course of four days in Moscow's largest and most impressive studio. The first premiere took place in Perm, two years ago. That is when the collectives started their joint project. The current recording should be released in October 2011.

Vladimir Martynov, Russian composer, author of the suite:

The combination of archaic throat-singing and ancient techniques of Tuvan instrumental music with contemporary methods of work with musical material produced the unique sound of "Children of the Otter".

To date, "Children of the Otter" has been introduced to a wide public audience four times, including at the Great Hall of the Academic Philharmony of Sankt-Peterburg, in Kiev during the "Gogolfest" festival, and twice in Perm. In October of this year, the ensembles are planning to travel to Poland, where they will introduce this project abroad fort he first time., translated by Heda Jindrak
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