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«    June 2011    »
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International Felt Festival in Tuva

International Felt Festival in TuvaIn Tuva, along with celebrations of the 90thanniversary of Tuvan Statehood, there will also be the International Felt Festival - felt is a cultic material for nomadic nations.

It will take place on 13-15 August in Kyzyl. This was annou8nced today by the Ministry of Culture of Tuva, the organizer of the celebrations.

The entire festival will be designed around felt products and the ancient craft of their manufacture.

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gov.tuva.ru, photo by Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Medals for faithful and loving Tuvan couples

Medals for faithful and loving Tuvan couples Plenipotentiary representative office of Republic Tyva in Moscow is sending to Tuva a set of medals "For love and fidelity" of the Foundation  of Socio-cultural initiatives, headed by wife of  President of Russia, Svetlana Medvedeva,  to be given to50 Tuvan families during celebrations of the Day of the family, love and fidelity.

This Russian holiday originated thanks to Prince Petr of Murom and his wife Fevronia, who lived in 13th century and became models of spousal fidelity, mutual love and family happiness already during their lives. This family couple is worshipped by Orthodox Christians as protectors of the family and marriage.  According to legend, Petr and Fevronia died on the same day - 25 June (8 July in new style calendar) 1228.

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Chimiza Lamajaa, translated by Heda Jindrak
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