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«    April 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan throat singers to perform in Krasnoyarsk

Tuvan throat singers to perform in KrasnoyarskUnique ensemble "Tyva" from Kyzyl will perform at the Small concert hall of Krasnoyarsk, as announced by the Philharmony press-service.

"This is the first folk music ensemble in Republic Tyva, founded in 1988 to help the renaissance of Tuvan folk culture and for preservation of performing traditions of throat-singing, - we wee told. - From the first day when the ensemble was founded, the program is based on the five styles - sygyt, khoomei, kargyraa, ezengileer, and borbannadyr - with which the singer can produce two or more sounds at the same time."

The biography of the ensemble is associated with names of the most celebrated Tuvan throat-singers. In 2002, under the leadership of the master of throat-singing, Merited artist of Republic Tyva, Mongun-ool Ondar, the ensemble received the Grand-Prix at the "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival of live music. And in 2003 the ensemble was awarded the Grand- Prix of the IV International Music festival "Melodies of the East".

Ensemble "Tyva" performed in Mongolia, Taiwan, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, USA, Japan and other countries with great success.

The group's repertoire includes solo and ensemble throat singing in all styles, Tuvan folk and original composer songs, epic poetry, play on folk musical instruments - khomus, byzaanchy, igil, doshpuluur, kengirge, dungur and others.

As the press-service noted, throat singing possesses very powerful energy, has healing and prophylactic action, and facilitates relaxation and gaining harmony of the body and soul.

The people of Krasnoyarsk are invited to listen to Tuvan songs on 20 April at 19:00 hrs. the concert of the masters of throat-singing will take place at the Small hall of the regional Philharmony., translated by Heda Jindrak
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