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«    August 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sixty snow leopards live in Tuva

Sixty snow leopards live in TuvaTuvan territory is inhabited by 40 - 60 snow leopards; regardless of dangers of poaching, the numbers of the population remain stable. This was announced by the science vice-director of the "Ubsunur depression" nature preserve, Alexander Kuksin. Earlier evaluations went up to 100 individuals. In Kuksin's opinion, the stabilization of the snow leopard population in the region was achieved through the WWF of Russia program for preservation of this predator; Tuvan irbis population is the key cluster for preservation of this species in Russia. However, the danger of shooting of irbis also remains - in South-West Tuva, leopards who hunt domestic livestock enter into conflict with herders, and in South-East Tuva, poaching is widespread . Aside from that, the food base of snow leopards (mountain goats) is also shrinking, through human activities as well.

Snow leopard (irbis) is listed in the Russian Red Book, and has the status of disappearing species.

Remember that in 2009, Tuva held a special project "Nine Treasures" to discover the main attractions of the republic. According to the results of popular voting, the Irbis (snow leopard) received the larges number of votes in its support.

RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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