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«    October 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Unique Tuvan culture under law protection

Unique Tuvan culture under law protectionGovernment of Tuva approved a project of a law concerning "About protection of intang9ble cultural heritage of Republic Tyva", according to which it is proposed to regulate the expression, conservation and utilization of the spiritual heritage transmitted from generation to generation, and demonstrating the cultural variety of peoples of Republic Tyva. The remarkable Tuvan throat-singing, stone carving art, ancient traditions and rituals, including unique traditions of Russian culture, which have been conserved on the territory of the republic, folklore, national holidays - everything that is so remarkable and attractive about Tuva, will be included among the objects of intangible cultural heritage, and will be protected by law.

The project of this law, developed by Tuvan Ministry of culture, establishes the basic concepts of protection of cultural heritage, defines the types of objects of intangible heritage, ways of their application, defines the right of the citizens for access to and use of the intangible cultural heritage, and the right to express their cultural identity.

As the minister of culture of the republic, Vyacheslav Dongak, remarked: "The customs, forms of expression., knowledge and skills, as well as the cultural space associated with them, which are not ascribed to an individual authorship, but are considered by the society as spiritual and cultural heritage, could absolutely dissolve in the contemporary world and disappear from the face of the earth, therefore it is extremely important not just to document and describe them, but also to take measures concerning their protection, rebirth and conservation."

Among the authority of the government of the republic in this sphere, it is proposed to create a Public Council on Matters of Protection of Intangible Culture, compilation of a Catalogue of objects of intangible cultural heritage, approval of target programs aimed at expression, development and support of the talents and carriers of the cultural heritage., translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Daniel Allgoewer
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