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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Minister of Finances Ignored Parliamentary Invitation

The first after the summer vacations parliamentary session stopped short after the minister of finances did not come on the deputies' invitation to speak on the government work at the new republican budget. The deputies were indignant at this attitude to the legislative power. Deputy Kaadyr-ool Bicheldey said that we are eager to cooperate with the Government but it should be a two parties movement.
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Dina Oyun

Scientific Conference Devoted to Sayan-Altai Region Opened in Kyzyl

Photo by the Governmental Press-Service The YIIth International Scientific Conference on the Western Mongolia and bordering regions has just opened up in Kyzyl. It takes place every two years and is devoted to interdisciplinary studies in the zone. It was initiated by Mongolian scholars at the Hovd University in 1993. Two years ago the conference was held in Tomsk.
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GTRK 'Tyva'

Tuva reports cases of deaths among wild birds

Two wild birds - a duck and a magpie -- have been found dead near Lake Sharonur in the republic of Tuva - the first such case among wild birds reported. A group of specialists from the Emergencies Ministry and epidemiologists work at the site, the Emergencies Ministry's Siberian regional centre told Itar-Tass.
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Opposition Holds a People Referendum on Building the Railway to Tuva

Communists launched yesterday all over the country an inofficial referendum asking people at the movable street poll stations. In the qustionnaire there are 7 national questions (to rise pensions, to lower utility payments, differentiation of the income tax, free health service, responsibility of the power, includng President, for the asocial reforms) and a couple of regional questions.
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Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun

Russian and Mongolian Deputies Discuss in Tuva Frontier Problems

Today delegations of the Russian State Duma, headed by Victor Voitenko, and of the Great People Khural of Mongolia, headed by Idekhtven, have a joint session in the village of Khandagaity (Oviur district). They are discussing the problems on the Tuvan stretch of the Russian-Mongolian border, where cattle stealing is still growing.
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Press-Service of the Government

Schoolchildren were Found Safe and Sound in Taiga after 3 Days

Parents of the two 12 year-old boys applied to the Tuvan Rescue Service after a 2-days futile search of their sons in the taiga. The boys from the village of Tarlyg (Pii-Khem district) went to the forest for the cedar nuts, but lost their way. They were discovered by the rescue brigade safe and sound. Their rural upbringing helped them to pass these difficult days through.
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Dolaana Salchak

Memorable Day in the Munzuks' Family

Maxim Munzuk. Photo courtesy of 'Friends of Tuva' ( is Maxim Munzuk's 95th anniversary and 87th anniversary of his wife - Kara-Kys Munzuk. The double festival in the legendary Tuvan family used to be celebrated at a round table the main dish on which was 'pirozhki', remembers their daughter Svetlana Munzuk. Actually Munzuk was born on the 10th of May, 1910 as he learnt in his last years but he decided not to change the documents: 'I lived all my life with this date. Let it stay so till my last moment'.
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Dina Oyun

Ubsu-Nur by Eugene Usov is the Best Camera Work

Who is the Grand-Prix winner at the Dersu Uzala Film Festival?(Tim Prescott, Scotland)

Grand-Prix at the recently finished (September, 2-6) in Tuva Eco Film Festival did not go to any one. As director of the Festival Svetlana Munzuk reported to Tuva-Online, prizes were given only in nominations. The 'Chickens' animated cartoon film made by an amateur studio in a far-off Bai-Taiga (Tuva) created a furore. Eugene Usov's (Greenpeace, Moscow) Ubsu-Nur shots were recognized the best.

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Dina Oyun

Level of Education in Tuva is one of the Lowest in Russia

In its analytical report UNESCO rated Russia among other G8 countries in terms of the youth education level. According to the report, there are three times as many young people with secondary vocational educations in Russia as in developed countries. In addition, in terms of the youth education level, Russia does not trail developed countries and in certain aspects more than equals them.

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Alexandr Salchak is the Best Khomus Player

Different traditions of khomus playing were demonstrated at the International Jew's Harp Festival which has just finished in Tuva. Dozens of scientific presentations were made by scholars from Russia and abroad. A big variety of vargans from the museum funds was presented by a delegation from Yakutia. They ranging from a fragile bamboo jew's harp used in South-Eastern Asia to a three-tongued metallic ones played in the North of Russia, impressed one by the richness and difference of the sound.
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Sayana Mongush
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