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» Ubsu-Nur by Eugene Usov is the Best Camera Work
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«    September 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Ubsu-Nur by Eugene Usov is the Best Camera Work

Who is the Grand-Prix winner at the Dersu Uzala Film Festival?(Tim Prescott, Scotland)

Grand-Prix at the recently finished (September, 2-6) in Tuva Eco Film Festival did not go to any one. As director of the Festival Svetlana Munzuk reported to Tuva-Online, prizes were given only in nominations. The 'Chickens' animated cartoon film made by an amateur studio in a far-off Bai-Taiga (Tuva) created a furore. Eugene Usov's (Greenpeace, Moscow) Ubsu-Nur shots were recognized the best. Ayana Lama's film-portrait (State Tuvan TV studio) 'National Character' about the Man on Earth - director of the biggest state-farm in Tuva Ivan Chuchev was the best in the 'Soul's Ecology' nomination. Vladimir Vasiliev (SGU University TV studio, Moscow) scripts to the series 'Following the Caravans on the Great Silk Road'. The best sound work is by Vadim Burmeister ('Aist' studio, Novosibirsk) in the 'Letters from Baikal' film. The best film-portait is 'I would like to overcome hundred roads' by Ludmila Rastaschonova (State Khassian TV studio).

Dina Oyun
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