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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Trial of a poacher in Tuva

Trial of a poacher in TuvaIt is possible that this is the first time in Tuva that a poacher will be punished to the full extent of the law. The State Commission for Hunting and Fishing of RT submitted documentation to state prosecutor, concerning a resident of the republic, now a defendant, who broke the laws of nature protection.

The incident happened in march. Inspectors, together with the police, arrested a hunter, now a defendant, during a routine raid not far from a town where fans of illegal hunting often go : an open steppe, and the animal has nowhere to hide from the bullet.

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Marriage and family in Tuva in 1925

Marriage and family in Tuva in 1925We are presenting to the readers' attention some excerpts from Laws on marriage and family, which are kept in the Central State Archive of Republic Tyva.

Section I. About marriage.

Paragraph 1. Any woman and man can become man and wife according to their wish.

Note. Even though parents and relatives prepare the dowry and such, and organize the wedding celebrations, they should not go against the wishes of their children and should not use force towards them.

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Materials from Central State Archive of Republic Tyva, translated by Heda Jindrak

Orthodox church under construction in Tuva is now crowned by two golden domes

Two golden domes now crown the orthodox church which is under construction in Tuva. On 1 August, the complicated task of  installing the uppermost dome in place was performed. The top of the crest reaches the height of almost 50 meters. A special crane was obtained from Japan by OOO "Selstroi" with the help of Government of RT just for this purpose. Light and elegant in appearance, the 54-meter giant can lift loads 1.5 times heavier than itself. And it weighs 37.8 tons. It is fully equipped with electronics - one computer on the chassis, one on the arm, yet another in the cabin.

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Info from press-service of government of RT, translated by Heda Jindrak

Ball lightning kills 84 sheep in Tuva

Ball lightning kills 84 sheep in TuvaBall lightning caused a  lot of damage at one of sheep herding stations in Tuva. During a strong thunderstorm on 24 July in Tes-Khem district, a ball lightning formed right above the family station of Saiyn Sandykmaa, one of GUP "Choduraa" shepherds. It is not known what would have happened if the animals had not run away from the camp to hide from the rain under trees near the camp. The ball of lightning, possibly because of air movement produced by running livestock or by the wind,  followed the sheep who huddled under the trees. The ball of light hit one of the trees and a mighty explosion followed. It was so strong that one of the sheep, weighing 30 kg (about 60 lbs) was thrown for a distance of 10 meters like a chip of wood.
  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Airplane of a Krasnoyarsk company with poachers on board was arrested in Tuva

Airplane of a Krasnoyarsk company with poachers on board was arrested in TuvaDuring joint raid activities of  Tuvan police and State Hunting and fishing commission of Tuva, an air vessel AN-2  was arrested  in Soorug on the Azas preserve of Todzha. The airplane had no registration number or other   markings.

It was established that the airplane belongs to one of  companies registered in Kuragino district of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The pilot, a 60-year-old resident of Achinsk and a passenger - a 55-year-old resident of Petropavlovsk of Krasnoyarsk Krai were on board.  The pilot's flying license was expired.

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Press-service of MVD of Tuva, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan paratroopers-firefighters will help to fight fires in Yakutia and Archangelsk region

Tuvan paratroopers-firefighters will help to fight fires in Yakutia and Archangelsk regionToday 25 paratroopers from air forest security of Tuva flew to Yakutia, where there are raging forest fires. 36 of their colleagues, who are fighting forest fires in Republic Komi  since 11 July, will soon be going to Archangelsk region, where they are also having a complicated situation with forest fires. The government of Archangelsk region approached head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool with the request for help in the framework of interregional cooperation and maneuvering of the firefighting forces. The approximate length of the shift will be 20 days.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Bronze bit was discovered by archeologists in Tuva

Bronze bit was discovered by archeologists in TuvaArcheological excavations along the construction of Kyzyl-Kuragino railway, acting under the grant of Russian Geographical Society are going strong. Every week brings new finds. Scientists found a cast bronze bit, consisting of two parts - a part of horse harness. This find helped the archeologists to determine that the kurgan dates to Scythian era - 9th-6th centuries before our era. The scientists believe that the bit was made specially for the burial.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Searching for Genghis Khan's tomb in Tuva

Travel notes with thoughts and historical digressions

Searching for Genghis Khan's tomb in TuvaIt is an old truth: if you can't find something, you should look somewhere else.  It is the prose of life: it is useless to look for your keys in your purse, if you have left them at home by the mirror, and it is useless to look for your cell phone in your pocket if you have left it in the store. And it is totally  useless to search for Genghis Khan's tomb where it is not. But where should you search?

  • 100
Irina Kachan,, translated by Heda Jindrak

"Ustuu-Khuree" festival in Tuva brought more that 800 guests

"Ustuu-Khuree" festival in Tuva brought more that 800 guestsFestival Ustuu-Khuree, which this year received  the guardianship of the district administration for the first time, brought more than 800 guests.  24 music ensembles and 25 solo performers from 12 countries of the world - USA, France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Japan, Latvia, Czech Republic and others are participating in the music contest. Traditionally there are many guests from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and  Kemerovo. Premier Sholban Kara-ool welcomed the members of the forum at the opening of the festival: "We are very grateful to our guests for their strong love for Tuva, and to the people of Chadan for their hospitality. Dzun-Khemchik district and  its people have always played a special role in Tuvan history, and they continue to actively participate in the life of the republic today."

  • 80, photo by Viktoria Lachugina, translated by Heda Jindrak

Mongun-Taiga ecologists take part in convention of friends of WWF

Mongun-Taiga ecologists take part in convention of friends of WWFThe first convention of Clubs of Friends of WWF - regional ecological associations of adults and children, working under the aegis of WWF for protection of nature just concluded on 10 July at lake Teletskoye (republic Altai).

For the first time participants from Mongun-taiga kozhuun of Tuva  joined the eco-movement of Clubs of Friends of WWF. Schoolchildren and teachers from middle school No.1 of Mugur-Aksy traveled several hundred kilometers over a mountain pass to share their experience of organizing eco-education as children's ecology club "Rostok".

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Tatiana Ivanitskaya, WWF, translated by Heda Jindrak
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