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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

85 years from the birth of legendary researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein (1926 - 2008)

85 years from the birth of legendary researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein (1926 - 2008)Today marks 85 years from the day of birth of legendary ethnographer, archeologist, orientalist - turkologist, Doctor of history, professor Sevyan Izrailevich Vainshtein.

A graduate of MGU, native Muscovite, he left the comfortable capital and went to Tuva, which he researched for almost half a century in expeditions on foot, or riding horses, reindeer and camels.

Based on the materials collected during his many years of ethnographic and archeological expeditions, Vainshtein wrote fundamental historical-ethnographical monographs about Tuvans, their origins, and the origins of their national culture ("Tuvans-Todzhans" M.,1961; "History of national art of Tuva" M.,1974; "Historical ethnography of Tuvans" M.,1972; "The world of nomads of Center of Asia", M.,1991)

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Kenin-Lopsan: the founder of Tuvan state Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own monument

Kenin-Lopsan: the founder of Tuvan state Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own monumentThe founder of Tuvan State Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own personal monument. In 2011, as Tuva celebrates the 90th Anniversary of  the founding of Tuvan people's Republic, the monument to our former ruler should be erected at a  prominent place in the capital. That is what one of the most respected elders of the republic, Doctor of Historical sciences,  investigator of shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan  reported to the Premier Sholban Kara-ool.

The meting of the Premier with the aksakal (elder) took place on  10 April at his working "cabin", which is located in the center of the town. Sholban Kara-ool brought birthday greetings  to Mongush Borakhovich and a present - an engraving with an image of a bear, which personifies a symbol of power and authority in shamanism.

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Info from the government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Legendary shamanologist Mongush Kenin-Lopsan accepts birthday greetings

Legendary shamanologist Mongush Kenin-Lopsan accepts birthday greetingsToday, Doctor of historical studies, famous researcher of shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan becomes  86 years old.  He received many birthday greetings in his legendary little cabin. "The Living Treasure of Shamanism"… in the whole world, only three of the chosen ones were awarded this highest title by the American Foundation for Shamanic Studies.  Among them is also Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, who received this title in 1994 for his contribution to preserving traditional Tuvan shamanism.

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Mariana Devlet, Zoya Samdan, translated by Heda Jindrak

10 Northern reindeer from Tuva filled up a Khakass Zoo

10 Northern reindeer from Tuva filled up a Khakass ZooTuvan reindeer herders have given ten Todzha reindeer to  "Abakanskiy" Zoo - a unique sub-species of the northerners. several days ago, 10 animals from the farm of the local reindeer-herding community "Aldyn-Ivi" (Golden Reindeer" were delivered to the Khakass capital and settled into its enclosures.  In the words of the head of the community Svetlana Sambu-Demkina, beside the Abakan zoo, the administration of natural park "Ergaki" in Krasnoyarsk Krai, which specializes in tourist services, also expressed a similar  wish to obtain several of these animals.

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan Opan Sat, Zayana Apkhanova and Albert Kuvezin are pretenders for the title "Siberian-2010"

Tuvan Opan Sat, Zayana Apkhanova and Albert Kuvezin are pretenders for the title "Siberian-2010" Among the 32 pretenders to the title "Sibiryaki-2010", Tuva is represented by the leader of the famous group Yat-Kha Albert Kuvezin, the winner of a beauty contest "Miss Asia-2010" Zayana Apkhanova, and double champion of Europe in free-style wrestling Opan Sat. yesterday, on 6 April the organizing committee of the contest announced the start of the internet voting, which will end on the night from 14th to 15th April.  Only 7 people, who will collect the most votes, will become the holders of the honorary  title "Sibiryaki-2010".  In the eight years of the existence of this contest, Tuvans were twice among the winners. In 2003 Sergei Shoigu won the honorary title, and in 2005 - Albert Kuvezin.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Dmitri Medvedev supports the right to early pension for Tuvan throat singers

Dmitri Medvedev supports the right to early pension for Tuvan throat singers Soon, throat-singers may be equal in their rights with ballet masters and opera singers.  On April 6 president of Russia Dmitri Medvedev confirmed the list of  directives after a meeting with  cultural workers on March 24, 2011. The document contains a significant point concerning Tuvan throat-singers. The ministry of health care and social development and the ministry of culture of Russian Federation were given the task to  review the matter of giving vocal artists - Tuvan throat-singers - the right to receive their pension early and to take appropriate measures. The deadline is 1 September 2011.

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Government of RT, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in Hungary

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in HungaryIn May of 2012, there will be an exhibition of the unique finds from the Scythian era burial, found in Tuva in 2001 by archeological expedition of the Hermitage, at the National Museum of Hungary. The exhibition in Budapest will be open for three months. As ITAR-TASS informed, the agreement about exhibiting the Scythian gold from Center of Asia in Budapest was concluded by the Honorary Director of the Hungarian National Museum Fodor Istvan and the General Director Laszlo Csorba. Work has started in Kyzyl to prepare this export exhibition. Only a small proportion of the objects found in Tuvan kurgan Arzhaan-2 will be taken to Hungary
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"Izvestiya" newspaper, translated by Heda Jindrak

One hour ahead - for the last time

One hour ahead - for the last timeDuring the night of 27 March, Russians will move the hands of  their clocks one hour ahead  - to the "summer" time for the last time. Rosstandart informed ITAR-TASS that " in correspondence with the  order of reckoning time, as decided by the government of RF, on 27 March 2011  the "summer" time period will begin on Russian territory." The hands of all clocks on the entire territory of the country will be moved one hour ahead at 2:00 AM on 27 March. The time change will be performed for the last time, according to the decision of President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev. The head of the government announced this on  8 February 2011.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kongar-ool Ondar has a son

Kongar-ool Ondar has a sonToday at 6 AM, Tuvan throat-singer Kongar-ool Ondar's son was born. The famous khoomeizhi received the  joyful news in Moscow, where he was on a business trip. He had already made a decision to name his third son in honor of his father Saiyn-ool. Remember that yesterday Kongar-ool Ondar  participated in a conference of  Dmitry Medvedev with arts activists, where he successfully  brought the fate of an astonishing phenomenon - Tuvan throat-singing - to the President's attention.  Khoomei is super-popular in the West, therefore after the news about the President's meeting, and performance of throat-singing there hit the media, the throat-singer was swamped with numerous phone-calls not just from  Russian journalists, but from foreign ones as well.  "Even the head of the American association "Friends of Tuva in America" , Ralf Leighton, called to say great, now such pearls as throat-singing are beginning to be appreciated even in Russia, not just abroad!" - said Kongar-ool Ondar on the phone.
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Info from government press-service translated by Heda Jindrak

Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singing

Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singingRussian president Dmitri Medvedev intends to invite  president of  the USA Barack Obama to listen to world-famous Tuvan throat-singing. That is a promise that the head of the government made to a Tuvan musician during his conference with culture workers in Moscow.

Kongar-ool Ondar complained to Medvedev that China and Mongolia often say that throat-singing is an ancient art of their nomads. "But after all, it is our way of singing, we have the patent," - said the musician.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak
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