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Car Crash Kills Six in Tuva

Six people, including a nine-year-old girl, died when two cars collided head on in Tuva, 19 km to the west of Kyzyl. Four died on spot, seven others were taken to hospital in Kyzyl, where two more died, including a 4-year-old child. Head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool expressed his deep condolescense to the relatives of the car-accident victims.

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Join in Voting for Courageous Tuvan Female Wrestler! Two days left

Voting for the best Siberian people finishes tomorrow, April 16 on There are 30 nominees out of which you are to select the two left days 7, no more and no less. Many of the petenders are actually Siberians only by birth or have no relation to Siberia at all. But they contribute to the glory of Siberia, organisers believe. Among the nominees is a legendary Tuvan wrestler Lorisa Oorzhak, 22, many times Russia, Europe and world champion. She is only 300 votes away from winning the title 'Siberian of the Year' with 6 other pretenders.
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Dina Oyun

Worldwide Last Chance to See the Monumental Scythian Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany

After showing this spectacular exhibition with 6,000 artifacts from burial mounds of the by-gone Scythian cultures from Tuva, Mongolia, Altaj, Kasachstan, the southern Ural region, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, with several Tuvan representatives of politics and arts present at the opening, as TuvaOnline reported, and subsequently in the Kunsthalle in Munich, this third and last leg of the monumental exhibition takes place at the Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg – see with curator Dr. Frank Hildebrandt.
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Jurgen Boden

Vote Tuvan Female Wrestler to Siberian of the Year!

Voting for the best Siberian people starts today, April 8 on and will last till April 16. There are 30 nominees out of which you are to select every day 7, no more and no less. Many of the petenders are actually Siberians only by birth or have no relation to Siberia at all. But they contribute to the glory of Siberia, organisers believe. Among the nominees is a legendary Tuvan wrestler Lorisa Oorzhak, 22, many times Russia, Europe and world champion.
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Dina Oyun

This Summer Tuva Receives Throat Singers from All Over the World

The international symposium "Khoomei: Cultural Phenomenon of the Peoples of Central Asia" will take place in Tuva July 25-27, reported "Tuva-Online" in the Ministry of Culture of the republic.  This is one of the biggest events of the Year of Khoomei declared in Tuva.  Already today in
the ministry people are talking about the enormous interest in the symposium, which scientists as well as khoomei-performers from around the world will take part in. The honored guests who will arrive in Kyzyl include representatives of UNESCO.
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Dina Oyun, Ben Stevens

Federal Minister Congratulates Culture Workers of Tuva with

In Russia yesterday, for the first time, Culture Worker Day was observed. President Vladimir Putin signed a edict aboutthis August 28, 2007. In Tuva, today in the House of Folk Art were honored culture workers. Vice-Premier Anatolii Damba-Huurak congratulated workers of this sphere on their professional holiday. In the evening, a salutary telegram was read from the federal minister Alexander Sokolov to the people prominent in cultural matters of Tuva.
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Dina Oyun, Ben E Stevens

In Tuva Speculators to Buy Land under Future Kuragino-Kyzyl Railway

The republican government asks the municipalities to prevent the cornering. President of Tuva Sholban-Kara-ool in his speech at the extended meeting of the public and representatives of the republican authorities said that the news on the federal government's decision to build the railway branch inspired some unscrupulous speculators to buy the land under the future railway in order to make a profit later by racketing the state, which is to be nipped in the bud. Construction of the Kuragino-Kyzyl railway is to give an impetus to the extraction and processing of mineral resources.
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Siberian financial and economic information

The Pearl of Tuva – for Grinding

Big business came to Tuva: how does big money mix with unique nature? The combination of the words “industrial Todzha”, will very likely grate on the ears of the citizens of the Republic for a long time, because we grew up with the deep understanding that Todzha is the Pearl of Tuva. This axiom recently collided with another concept, one that passed with flying colors in the December elections for the Government Council - an economic breakthrough is coming to Tuva, on the basis of utilization of mineral and metal resources. The collision of these two contradictory concepts in our minds caused confusion, and in others – hysterics and tears.
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Marina Chanzan, translated by Heda Jindrak

Premiere of the film “ By the order of Chingis Khan” to be held after the Peking Olympics

The release of the historical film “ By the order of Chingis Khan”, based on the novel by Yakut writer Nikolai Luginov, is scheduled for September 2008, immediately after the 2008 Olympics in Peking. Other possible dates were considered; April or even February of 2008. But in the opinion of the producer of the film, Vladimir Ivanov, which he expressed in the newspaper “Yakutia”, the Olympics in China should “spark up” international interest in Asia.
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Informational agency “Khakassia”, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tenth "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival July 15-19

This year, participants in the live music "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival, one of the most popular musical forums in Siberia, in addition to participating in the musical program, will be able to contribute to the work on the restoration of the temple Of Ustuu-Khuree. The tenth "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival will be held this year from the 15th to the 19th of July, told "Tuva Online" founder and festival director Igor Dulush.

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Ben Stevens
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