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электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tent Archeological Camp near the Tuvan Lake Prepared to Host First Specialists

A recent inspection to the Tere-Khol district in Tuva, where this summer a large-scale archeological expedition will start excavations on the ancient Uyghur Fortress 'Por-Bazhyn', has proven tha camp is almost ready to host in late May the first shift of over 150 students and 50 specialists and service workers. The camp based on the former fish-storage site 8 km away from the Kungurtuk village, administrative center of the Tere-Khol district, comprises besides residential tents, bath-house, kitchen, dining house, first-aid post, etc. A pontoon bridge connects the island with the fortress ruins both to the district territory and the neighbouring island.
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Dina Oyun

Fundamental Research on Musical Culture of Tuva in the Twentieth Century Ready for Publishing

Famous Tuvan music researcher Valentina Suzukei has finished her multifacetous study of Tuvan music culture in the XXth century. The scientist takes a closer look at the Tuvan musical phenomenon, analyses it in the context of the nomadic world perception, gives a full account of the ritual and labour musical practices, songs, instrumental music, Tuvan traditional instruments, makes a survey of both positive and negative consequences of the attempts to 'adapt' Tuvan music to European standards.

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Dina Oyun

Forest Fires Keep Spreading in Tuva

The number of forest fires in Tuva enlarged from 18 to 22 over the day and spread onto the area of 6,500 hectares, including 2,700 hectares covered with trees, commander of the Tuva forestry air wing Valery Leskov told Itar-Tass on Sunday. He said a wind exceeding 20 meters per second is fanning the fire.

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New Russian Law Prompted by Parliamentary Crisis in Tuva

The State Duma passed in the first reading on April 18 with 343 votes in favor a bill drafted primarily by lawmakers from the pro-Kremlin Unified Russia that would empower republic heads to dissolve parliaments on the basis of a court ruling should the legislature not convene for its maiden session and begin functioning "effectively" within 30 days of its election. That bill was prompted by the boycott by legislators from the Russian Party of Life (RPZh) whose election last October to the Great Khural of the Republic of Tyva (Tuva) was annulled by a Kyzyl court.

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Radio Free Europe

Tuva's Head Blame Oorzhak's Coach for Road Accident

The coach of wrestler Lorisa Oorzhak is to blame for the tragedy that happened to her, head of the Republic of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool said. He stated it at the press conference April 25, the republican government's press service reported. The chairman said the accident had happened "due to irresponsibility of her coach who took her to unplanned Nazarovo's competitions instead of sending the girl home to Tuva after European Championship, for the sake of his self-interest."

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Tuva's Government Members Appointed

New Tuva's Government would have a new structure consisting of 12 ministeries instead of 16 in the old Sherg-ool Oorzhak's cabinet. Sholban Kara-ool, 40, new head of Tuva, would have 5 vice-prime-ministers, 4 out of which have been already approved of by the parliament. They are first vice-prime-minister Sholban Irgit, ex-head of the 'Uriankhay' meat-processing complex; Ivan Chuchev to supervise agricultural issues, Anatolii Damba-Khuurak to be occupied with the administrative reform, Vladimir Nedelin to manage energy and fuel supplies problems.

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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Wrestler Seriously Injured in a Car Accident

On April 22 Tuvan wrestler and the main Olympic hope of Tuva, two-time European champion, including in Sofia in 2007, Lorisa Oorzhak, who suffered serious injuries in a car accident and had her kidney eliminated, was moved from the intensive care to the surgical department. Chief of surgical department of Achinsk Central District Hospital Yury Goncharov informed Ves Sport agency about the state of the girl. "Lorisa was moved to our surgical department in the morning," he said, "She is in the common ward. Visitors are allowed. There are her relatives and coach there now. Lorisa Oorzhak is conscious. She is reported as being in a stable condition.

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Alash Wowed the Crowd in Brooklyn

Alash wowed the crowd at Barbes in Brooklyn, NY Monday evening, April 16, with their inspired performance of “new old Tuvan music.” Their superior musicianship and fresh new arrangements of ancient Tuvan songs clearly resonated with the audience, who were bouncing in their saddles to Ayan-ool Sam’s demonstration of ezenggileer, a style of singing that imitates of the sound of boots rhythmically tapping silver stirrups. One audience member was even holding imaginary reins.

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Jean Bubbley, photo by Serena Stucke

Tuvan Wrestler Lorisa Oorjak Europe's Champion!

Tuvan female wrestler Lorisa Oorjak, 21, performing in the lightest weight category - 48 kg, brought the third gold medal to Russian national team at the European Championships in Sofia. Russian women team totalling 65 points - 4 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze medals - won the first place in the team competition. Second is the team of Ukraine with 50 points, third – Germany with 39.
Fresh after the last combat Lorisa Oorjak said: 'I am very exited and it was hard for me to give a meaning to what I have done. I was prepared for a gold medal despite the knee injure I had before the competition.

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Dina Oyun

Alash Ensemble Returns for Two Shows

The throat singing ensemble Alash will bring the unique music of the Central Asian Republic of Tuva to Ithaca this weekend. The group will be performing at the ABC Café and the Community School of Music and Art. The performances will include a question/answer session on Tuvan music, moderated by Sean Quirk, a Wisconsin native who travels with Alash as a translator.
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