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«    March 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

South Korean film crew surprised by great numbers of smokers

South Korean film crew surprised by great numbers of smokersAt Tuvan State University, a final meeting of Tuvan scholars  with representatives of South Korean educational canal EBC ltd. Production Purme took place. At this meeting, the guests shared their impressions of Tuva after a two-week stay in the republic. Remember that the guests arrived to the republic at the end of February to film a fifty-minute documentary film about Tuvan culture, shamanism and way of life.

During their stay in our republic, Korean reporters visited a shepherds' camp at Aldy-Shynaa near the town of Shagonar, ascended to the top of Mt. Buura, met with shamans and learned about Tuvan folklore.

The participants in this meeting actively posed questions. A student of the philological  department Dayana Mongush asked a question in English and asked the guests to tell the gathering something about themselves and about their impressions.

The leader of the film crew Jo Jin explained that he has been working in the TV business already for 25 years, and currently is the producer of the EBC Ltd. Production Purme. He admitted that when he saw thick smog as they entered Tuvan territory, he got a first impression of "ecologically polluted" Tuva. But, as they say, that was only the first impression. During filming he was astonished by the power of nature and the uniqueness of Tuvan landscapes. "As they say in Korea, Tuvan landscapes can be compared to wrinkles of a wise and trustworthy man - that is a purely Korean parallel," - he shared.

First Pro-rector Lyubov Tas-ool asked a question - to what extent, in the guests' opinion, is Tuvan shamanism different from other types. The producer answered: "The attributes of Tuvan shamanism are richer than in the other variants, and closer to nature. The presence of various animal totems and spirits makes the shaman's power so mysterious and esoteric, that it captures your spirit". The group's translator Kim Ioann admitted that during shamanic sessions he would enter a light trance, which made a very strong impression on him.

Olga Khomushku's question about what was the most interesting thing  for the film crew, the producer  told them about their stay at the shepherds' camp. In his opinion, people who live in such remote areas are "pure and not contaminated by social filth".  The impression of original and unique Tuvan culture was reinforced by the unusual natural landscapes and specifics of the climatic zone. The film which they filmed will transmit the impression of mystical Tuva to Korean  TV viewers. The goal, with which the film crew arrived, was reached in many aspects.

There were also questions about negative impressions; the Korean guests answered that generally the impression was positive and there were no negative moments at all. But at the same time they remarked that they were surprised by the numbers of people smoking. And they admitted that many good moments of the film will have to be cut, because there are people with cigarettes in the shots.  Certainly, they were upset by this fact, because South Korean laws do not allow inclusion of scenes showing tobacco smoking.

The film crew also met with the rector of Tuvan university, Sergei Ondar. Issues of further co-operation of the educational channel with Tuvan State University were discussed, and a draft  of an agreement was reviewed. The rector suggested that another film about Tuva should be made, which would show the year-round natural cycle, describing all the beauties of Tuvan nature, and disclosing all the cultural characteristics of the Tuvan ethnos.

Roxana Pyuryuna, translated by Heda Jindrak
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