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«    April 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Krasnoyarsk is one of the least Tolerant to Ethnic Minorities Cities

Krasnoyarsk which after the Sunday referendum on the Union of the three Russian provinces – Taimyr, Evenkia, Krasnoyarsk territory – into a bigger one is considered to be the most probable centre of the future siberian hyper-region with Khakasia and Tuva to be the next ones to join it. It is the least tolerant to ethnic minorities cities in Siberia, of this opinion are many young Tuvans studying in the Krasnoyarsk higher schools and institutions. The last fact of detaining Tuvan student Tumen Baiyr by Krasnoyarsk militia April, 12 without any apparent reason for it is another Pro to this point of view.
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Sayana Mongush

Rodion Munzuk is the First Tuvan Khoomeizhi with Diploma!

Grand-Prix winner at the International 'Khoomei' Festival Rodion Munzuk (no relation to Maxim Munzuk) has successfully defended his Diploma at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts and has become the first Tuvan khoomeizhi with the Higher Education. The majority of Tuvan throat-singers, specially a young wave, could boast of diplomas of the Kyzyl Art School, Department of the Folk Instruments.
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Dina Oyun

Tuva Election Fails Because of Low Turnout

The Sunday election of the Tuva parliament failed in three of five single-mandate districts because of a low turnout, head of the Tuva republican electoral commission Sholban Mongush told Itar-Tass.
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Tuvan Deputies are Split into Those Pro and Contra Tuvan Prime-Minister

Tuvan Prime-Minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak. Photo courtesy of ludidela.ruThe lower chamber of the Tuvan Parliament has sent a letter to Russian Prime-Minister Mikhail Fradkov drawing his attention to the ineffective rule of the republic by Sherig-ool Oorzhak who has been in the lead for 13 years. Throughout this period as the deputies state the republic receiving huge donations from Moscow (from 95 to 90 per cent of the Tuvan budget) could not put them into the well-being of Tuva.
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Dina Oyun

Kyzyl-Moscow Music Festival will be held in the Russian Capital in Mid-October

The second Kyzyl-Moscow Music festival will be held in the Russian capital in mid-October, Georgi Beletski, director of the festival told in an interview to the tuva-online correspondent. The opening ceremony will take place on October, 14 in the 'Dom' cultural centre. The following events will be in the Theatre Centre on the Tsvetnoi Boulevard.
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Dina Oyun

All-Russian Championship in Free Wrestling among Girls will Take Place in Tuva

Tuva will host Russian Championship in Free Wrestling among girls born 1985-1987. The decision was made by the Russian Federation of Wrestle in favour of Tuva as an appreciation of the contribution of the republic into bringing up promising lady-wrestlers.
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Dina Oyun

Children's Dancing Emsemble from Tuva Performing in Moscow

"Edegei" ensemble. Photo courtesy of centerasia.dem.ru'Edegei' children's dancing ensemble from Tuva has been invited to take part in the cultural program of the 5th Congress of aboriginal peoples of North and Siberia which take place now in Moscow. Today young dancers show their art on the open stages in the All-Russian Exhibition Centre.
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Dina Oyun

Tes-Khem Teachers are Left without Their Salaries

A cashier of the Tes-Khem Educational Department has been impudently plundered and over 3 million roubles (appr 100 000 dollars) taken from him. The money were the March salaries of the teachers of the Tes-Khem district.
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Dina Oyun

Legendary Tuvan Researcher Celebrating his Birthday

Sevyan Vainstein, well-known Russian ethnographer, a connoisseur of Tuva, author of 200 monographs and scientific articles, is celebrating today his 79th birthday. Presentation of his new book 'Mysterious Tuva: Expeditions to the heart of Asia' issued in Germany by Alouette Verlag,will be presented today at the Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology with participation of Juergen Boden, director of the Alouette Editorial House.
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Dina Oyun

Chief Tuvan Shaman Turning 80 Today!

Mongush Kenin-Lopsan. Photo courtesy of www.tuvamuseum.ru Today the well-known ethnographer, Doctor of Historical Sciences, and merited Tuvan writer Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan turned 80 years old. He was born on a shepherd's campsite in a picturesque place called Khondergei in the Dzun-Khem district to a poor arat family.
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Dina Oyun
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