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18 April 2006 | Views: 2369 | Comments: 0 |
Zhenia Chernyshov, a 7-year-old boy from the village of Saryg-Sep (Kaa-Khem district) in Tuva, is now being examined in an Israeli clinic where he is to undego a bone marrow transplantion, a costy operation which is going to be done with the financial guarantee of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Zhenia's desease was disclosed 2 years ago. The boy's health took a turn for the worse last autumn.
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17 April 2006 | Views: 2443 | Comments: 0 |
LLC Tardan Gold, part of Sweden's Central Asia Gold AB, will build a gold recovery plant costing 94 million rubles in Tuva this year, the Tuva government's press office told Interfax.The plant will be built close to the Taldan gold field in the settlement of Bai-Syut, 80 km east of Kyzyl.
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16 April 2006 | Views: 2771 | Comments: 0 |
Back to the old conflict with new details. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov's comment last month that good newspaper stories are frequently spoiled by advertisements alongside them for "bordellos, shamans and other sleazy operators" has outraged shamans and the leaders of non-Russian areas in the Russian Federation where shamanism is widely practiced.
Paul Goble, United Press International |
15 April 2006 | Views: 3207 | Comments: 0 |
Tuvan Music and Drama theatre for the first time in its history performed in Moscow. It gave "King Lear' in the Russian Academic Youth Theatre. The play staged in Tuvan by Tuvan director Alexei Oorzhak is among nominees for the most prestigeous Russian theatre prize - Golden Mask together with theatre companies from Moscow and Saint-Petersbourg. Nomination has come just on time - in the jubileum year of the Tuvan theatre founded in March, 1936.
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13 April 2006 | Views: 2926 | Comments: 0 |
S7 Airlines’ summer timetable contains significant changes in flights to China – from June the number of flights per week between Irkutsk and Beijing will rise to three, and in July, a fifth weekly flight between Novosibirsk and the Chinese capital will be added. Last year, there were just two weekly flights between Novosibirsk and Beijing, and none from Irkutsk
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12 April 2006 | Views: 2666 | Comments: 0 |
Prominent Russian ethnographer and researcher of Tuva Sevian Vainshtein has turned today 80. From early morning he has been receiving telephone calls from Japan to America - 57 all in all. People were congratulating him with the jibileum and wishing him health, love and long life.By the end of the birthday he has almost lost his voice and talked in a low whisper thanking a next telephone interlocutor.
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11 April 2006 | Views: 2491 | Comments: 0 |
19-year-old Chechek Yumbuu was killed April, 8, but the murder became known to media only today. She graduated from the Tuvan State Lyceum with distinction and was happy to enter last year one of the most prestigeous Moscow institutes - Moscow Linguistic University (ex-Institure for Foreign Languages).
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10 April 2006 | Views: 3104 | Comments: 0 |
This summer, passengers of S7 Airlines will have the opportunity to fly on more S7 scheduled flights to more destinations than last year. There will be 20% more S7 flights from the hub airports of Moscow, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and Irkutsk. There are 12 new routes. Over the summer months, there will be an average of about 120 S7 flights every day. The S7 network consists of 64 destinations.
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10 April 2006 | Views: 3021 | Comments: 0 |
At the tender conducted last week by Tuva Agency of Mineral Resources the Novosibirsk-based company with Chinese capital 'Lunsin' Ltd. won by bidding RUR742.5 million for the right to develop Kyzyl-Tashtygsky complex ore deposit.
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7 April 2006 | Views: 2519 | Comments: 0 |
9-year-old Shenne Ashka-ool from Tuva needs urgently your help. She underwent an operation for cerebrum tumor and now is to pass through a course of X-ray-therapy which is a costy treatment that her parents could not find the money for. They need 30 000 rouble (1000 dollars) more before Monday, April, 10. The girl is now in the children's department at the Moscow Burdenko hospital, room 8. Her mother Bailak's phone is +7-915-0804577, their English speaking friend Alex' phone is +7-926-9172713.