A unique collection of Buddhist sutras - prayers and religious statements of sages – has been found in one of the caves of the Tere-Khol Region of Tuva. It appears that in the years of persecution of religious figures some of them decided to hide the sutras further away from bellicose atheists. According to experts, these are sutras of Ultimate Wisdom, the supreme philosophy that can help attain the greatest heights, pure oneself from negativity and find protection. Usually suchlike sutras are kept only in large Buddhist monasteries and religious centres. The fact that they have been found on the territory of Tuva proves that one of the Buddhist centres used to exist there, Tuvinian lamas claim.
Kambo Lama (the chief lama) of Tuva – Apysh-ool Sat reported that the Buddhists would reprint the texts and use unique sutras in their work for the good of Tuva Republic. Yet, such a precious find must be preserved in a museum, and so the discovered rarities have been transferred to the Tuva National Museum collection.