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«    July 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Exhibition of sculptures of Aleksandr Baranmaa

Alexandr Baranmaa, graduate of Russian Academy of Arts, lecturer in the art department of Kyzyl School of Arts, is now the head of the Artists’ Union of Tuva. This decision was implemented at the extraordinary meeting of the Union. The union currently counts 56 members. As the new leader notes, there are problems with the young generation.

The Union has practically no new members, only the “old guard” and the middle generation are represented. “At the first meeting of the administration, we decided to establish a youth section of the union. The curator of this is going to be a young pedagogue, Chechek Mongush., - says Baranmaa. – The main emphasis in the work of the Union is concentrated on the organization of exhibition activities and establishment of artistic crafts workshops.”

It is interesting that during the days of the meetings in the House of Artists, none of which can be seen on the façade of the building anymore,(it is covered up by various advertisement billboards), there was an art exhibition of the works of Alexandr Baranmaa, “Stone and Metal”. Sculptures of plaster of Paris, wood, metal and stone were exhibited.

The artist is known outside of the republic mainly as a creator of unique ice sculptures.

The artist came back to Kyzyl only this year, after 3 years of work in Krasnoyarsk. His colleagues have great hopes for rebirth of the union and renewal of exhibition activities as a consequence of his return. It will be possible to view some of the artist’s works on July 17-18, at the Naadym in Erzin kozhuun.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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