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«    April 2011    »
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The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in Tuva

The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in TuvaTuvan regional section of the "United Russia " party will offer any co-operation to the organizers of the fifth republican festival "Living Path of Dersu", which will take place in Tuvan capital Kyzyl  on 18 - 23 April. This was announced by the leader of Tuvan regional department of the "United Russia" party Eres Sonam. On 22 April there should be a meeting of the festival participants, children's and youth cinematic art and  the functionaries of "United Russia" party.

"If we would like Russia to be a strong, competitive country, so that the world would have to count with us, we have to put means right now into education, we have to renovate schools, supply them with the newest equipment, so that children could get involved in all kinds of  creative activities. That is what the party leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin asks us to do. The fact that in Tuva the festival of  cinematic and television art created by The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in Tuvachildren is taking place already for the fifth time is evidence that in the majority of Tuvan schools there are possibilities for children to become involved in such complicated activities as production of movies,  animated films and television broadcasts," - commented Eres Sonam.

The schoolchildren of the republic present at the festival their works in the field of animated films, cinematography and television journalism. The festival program will have demonstrations of  creative work of young directors, workshops, and excursions. The central event of the festival will be the The fifth "Living Path of Dersu" festival in Tuvapresentation of a cinematic work of video-studio of the Sea Cadets Corps from the city of Kansk "Remembering the film "Dersu Uzala".

Remember that Svetlana and Galina Munzuk are the originators of this festival, which became a popular creative venue for exchange of experience for schoolchildren and students.

Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak
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