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«    April 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan shaman in Murmansk

Tuvan shaman in MurmanskAs part of  the "Yagel-fest" festival, a real Tuvan shaman Nikolai Oorzhak came to Murmansk, together with his ensemble "Un-Khun". There were not many of those wishing to hear his healing chants, but those who did come had no regrets about wasted time.

-  I used to be a herder at first, then I wrote slogans - one had to support the party personally, - Nikolai starts the story about his gift.

During Soviet times, really, one could not even think about this type of healing, and Nikolai had not been aware of having any such abilities. He worked at the National Theatre in Tuva, where he often met with masters of throat-singing - khoomei. The unique aspect of this art is that the performes produces two notes simultaneously, that is, he sings in two voices. There are many types of khoomei. Nikolai began to learn this ancient art, then gradually started developing his own creativity. To make his performances more attractive visually, he began to imitate Tuvan shamans in clothing and stage behavior.

-  It was complicated,  I did not know enough about shamanism, - he remembers, - so I asked old people, and kept learning more and more.

In this way it became clear that this Tuvan had a rare gift - he could calm people's souls with his singing.

On top of that, Nikolai's grandmother admitted that there were shamans among their ancestors. However, at the outset of his career, Nikolai was risking that he'll more likely cripple his patients rater than heal them.

-  I was producing very strong vibrations, and I did not know how to control them. Then old shamans taught me how to do it.  One has to combine the vibrations, movements, breathing and sound in such a way as to reach harmony. Then you can help a person, - he explains.

Nikolai devoted several years to meditation; he was learning to control the energy. And only then did he begin healing. He has been working as a healer for more that ten years. And he has been gradually preparing his brother and son to continue his work.

It is precisely his son Amir and brother Mergen who constitute his "Un-Khun" ensemble, which in translation means "Sound of the Sun". so far they only help Nikolai, playing for him on Tuvan instruments.  Every performance begins with salutation to the spirits of the elements.

-  I ask them to bring joy and peace to people and their children, -  says Nikolai.

Judging from everything, this evening the spirits were well disposed towards the Murmansk audience.

-  His singing relaxes us as if you were listening to the sounds of rain or wind, - one of the audience shared her impressions.  - One wants to curl up and go to sleep - the heart and soul feel very calm and peaceful.

Komsomolskaya Pravda - Murmansk, translated by Heda Jindrak
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