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«    December 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

National khoomeizhi and famous Tuvan wrestlers are going to the USA to take part in the Rose Parade

National khoomeizhi and famous Tuvan wrestlers are going to the USA to take part in the Rose ParadeTwo famous wrestlers "Arzylan moge" Seden-Ochur Kara-Sal and "Nachyn moge" Eres Kara-Sal, together with the director of Center of Tuvan Culture, National Khoomeizhi of the Republic Kongar-ool Ondar will represent Tuva in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. On 1 January, thousands of roses, platforms and music orchestras, as well as more than half a million people will take part in a parade of 9 km length.

This ceremony will be on direct broadcast to many millions of spectators.

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Dina Oyun

In Khovu-Aksy, work continues on liquidation of consequences of accident at local TEC (heat supply central)

In Khovu-Aksy, work continues on liquidation of consequences of accident at local TEC (heat supply central)Altogether 562 people and 80 units of technical equipment have been utilized for liquidation of emergency situation in Khovu-Aksy. Repair work is being performed by 17 repair crews of 103 people, and having 18 units of technical equipment in use. At the same time, measures have been taken to help the population evacuated form residential buildings which were left without heat supply. As of 26 December, out of 3303 people affected by the emergency situation. 2799 have taken refuge with relatives, and 440 citizens of the settlement, including 132 children, have been placed in temporary shelters.
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Slightly warmer temperatures in Tuva, classes resume at schools

Today the temperatures in Tuva rose slightly, and at 6 AM the thermometers showed -35 degrees centigrade (@ -31 degrees Fahrenheit). With this weather, classes at schools resumed. According to information of Tuvan republic center for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring, similar weather, even with some warming, is expected for tomorrow, 26 December. However, in the second half of the week, temperatures may again drop.
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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Head of Tuva gave Sergei Brilev's book "Forgotten allies in Second World War" to Vera Bailak

Head of Tuva gave Sergei Brilev's book "Forgotten allies in Second World War" to Vera BailakPremier Sholban Kara-ool presented birthday greetings to veteran Vera Chuldumovna Bailak for her 88th birthday. Traditionally, they meet on her birthday and discuss the past for a long time. She usually spends her birthday at her herding station near Chadan of Dzun-Khemchik district, supervises her large farm, gives orders and instructions to herders and helpers, and sees guests. Many various journalists visited her, and were ceaselessly amazed by her energy and vivaciousness of spirit. At 85, she still stayed in the saddle with confidence.
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva: Commander of legendary mine-thrower detail of Brothers Shumov celebrates his 99th birthday

Tuva: Commander of legendary mine-thrower detail of Brothers Shumov celebrates his 99th birthdayDecember, 15, the commander of legendary mine-thrower detail WWII veteran Alexander Terentievich Shumov celebrates his 99th birthday. Six brothers Shumov, Tuvan strong men, have entered all artillery encyclopedias of the world for their feats, fearlessness, accuracy and speed of shooting.

Alexander Prokofiev wrote the poem "Rossiya" about them - this work was awarded Stalin's Prize. The heroes spoke in their own "Tannu-Tuva" language, as the military journalist Pavel Luknitskiy, who spent time at the Leningrad front where the Shumovs fought, noted in his reportage. We present some fragments from it to the attention of our readers.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Alexandr Yenzak

Results of research of Choigan mineral waters to be evaluated

Results of complex expedition research of therapeutic and touristic-recreational use of natural arzhaan complex "Choigan mineral waters" will be presented today at a scientific seminar at the National Museum of Tuva.

The initiators of this educational seminar are the Scientific Research institute of medical and social problems and government of Republic Tuva, Tuvan regional section of Russian Geographic Society, and OOO "Laboratory of arzhaanology and tourism". Evaluation of results of clinical medicine studies of natural therapy at the springs of Choigan arzhaan is on the program of this action.
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Leonid Kruglov: Tuva is our Eastern pole

Leonid Kruglov: Tuva is our Eastern poleOn 20 May 2012, the famous Russian sailing ship "Sedov" departed form Sankt-Peterburg and started on a 14-month circumnavigation of the world..

The journey of "Sedov" - the largest training sailing ship of the world - is dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood and the 200th anniversary of the first Russian circumnavigation of I.F. Kruzenstern and Yu.F. Lisianskiy.

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ARGUMENTY I FAKTY, translated by Heda Jindrak

Exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" opened at the headquarters of Russian Geographic Society

Exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" opened at the headquarters of Russian Geographic SocietyOn December 6, 2012, at the Museum Hall of the headquarters of Russian Geographic Society in Sankt-Peterburg, there was a ceremonial opening of exhibition "Treasures of Tuva".

Republic Tuva is well known to archeologists and historians of the whole world as a treasury full of remnants of the most ancient civilizations and cultures. Scientists and curious adventure seekers have been striving to learn about them for more than 100 years, during which archeological excavations have been taking place there.

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak
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