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» » Daa-Lama of Ulug-Khem kozhuun of Tuva about the coming Year of Black Snake
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«    Fabruary 2013    »
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Daa-Lama of Ulug-Khem kozhuun of Tuva about the coming Year of Black Snake

Daa-Lama of Ulug-Khem kozhuun of Tuva about the coming Year of Black SnakeOn 11 February, people of Tuva will welcome Shagaa, the Lunar new year. Daa-Lama of Ulug-Khem kozhuun, Vadim Dagvaldai, head of local Buddhist organization "Ganden", founded in 2002, will tell us what to expect from the Year of Black Snake, which will be the sign of the coming year. Since 2010, construction of a Buddhist temple has been under way in Shagonar.

"It is definitely necessary to be careful near rivers, lakes and seas. Water will be good for harvests, and it promises a rich harvest for farmers involved in agriculture and herding of livestock.

Snake is a very wise creature with clean conscience. With clean intentions. It wishes well to all other living beings. It can see far into the future. It is oriented forward, into the future. It is not allowed to harm a snake. On first sight, it is a cold, iron-like being. But in the depths of its soul it is very soft and warm.

Snake knows how to make money. Riches and prosperity always follow the snake. In a symbolic picture of animals' occupations, the Snake is a guardian of underground, cave treasures, rare stones and jewels. The Snake is always near and around prosperity.

Snake gets along best with Cow and Rooster. Snake cannot give milk, but the Cow can. The Rooster (or Hen) lays edible eggs with powerful life-giving nourishment, while the Snake produces deadly poison and inedible eggs. consequently, Snake looks in others for what he cannot do (can't give milk), and searches for protection from what it does not want to do (does not want to abuse its poison), and searches for what makes it whole.

A person born in this year should perform purification practices, for example ritual "Wind Horse of Luck".

"Wind Horse of Luck" - "khei-at" - is a symbol showing the moral and emotional condition of a person. The effect of 'five yellow mengi" will be activated, that is why it is necessary to visit temples, go to services and consult with monks.

A person born in a year ending in 2 and 3 also definitely has to perform spiritual purification and purification of moral and emotional condition.

Every person has native mengi or seat of mengi. The effect of the mengi is activated every nine years for every person. Purification rituals are needed to prevent unfavorable accidents and to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

Beside the native mengi, a person also has a "Gate of the Universe" - "oktaray khaachazy" or "oktaray ezhii". Their effect can be activated and have influence on a person's life in some degree of either a positive or negative way. That is why it is necessary to consult with lamas. The negative gates of the universe can open. In that case, a person may have bad dreams, or speak or have crazy ideas in his sleep. One should not climb high objects or ride a horse. One has to be careful about riding in a car, ride as little as possible. Luckily, for many, the gates of the universe will not be activated for most people this year.

For the Snake, this year the "Gate of finds or riches" will open ("olcha khaachazy"") and "gate of poverty" ("khoozural khaachazy").

If the "door of poverty" opens, it presages destruction, anxiety in the soul, bad mood and other inner suffering. One should avoid long trips, trade and business. It is recommended to order the "Dashidondub" and "Dashi eegbe" prayers.

If the "door of finds" opens, this year all the person's wishes will come true - always and at any time of the year. There will be success and one's property will increase.

To find out which of the doors will open for the Snake this year, it is necessary to consult Lama-Bashky to correlate the day and year of birth with the Lunar sign (san churagaiy) according to the Buddhist calendar.

The signs compatible with the Snake (Cow, Rooster) also show activation of the "Gate of poverty" and "Gate of the Earth". "Gate of the Earth" signifies poverty, various diseases, possibly much harm from strangers. It is undesirable to dig in the earth and to chop down trees. One should order prayers "Sai nimbu" and "Banzaragcha".

One should not dig a pit and leave it open overnight, it is best to cover it up completely. It presages bad accidents. In cities, one should avoid open manholes, and canalization workers should always pay attention to open manholes and make sure that they are firmly closed, to make things safer for pedestrians.

For people born in the Year of the Dragon, rabbit and Tiger - this is the year of opening the "gate of parting". If the "gate of parting" opens, partings may come with close friends or a spouse. One should order prayers "Altyn Kherel" and "Dashidondub".

This year will be hard for people who have a rank or a title. They have to avoid long trips, business trips, trips involving cars, airplanes or helicopters.

As a whole, Year of the Snake is a year of prosperity, of moderate, calm flow of social and domestic life.

Alena Sonam, tuva.international@yandex.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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