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» » Kamby-Lama of Tuva greets the people of the republic with Shagaa
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«    Fabruary 2010    »
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Kamby-Lama of Tuva greets the people of the republic with Shagaa

Kamby-Lama of Tuva transmitted his Shagaa greetings to the people of Tuva:

“Dear compatriots, people of our multiethnic republic! In the name of all the lamas and followers of the Buddha’s holy Teachings of Tuva, as well as from me personally, I greet you with the bright holiday of Shagaa – with the beginning of the Eastern Lunar New Year of the Iron Tiger!

The year carries a promise of flowering and prosperity, but we will have to expend a lot of effort for that! I am turning to you with a request to perceive the fundamental qualities of humanity.

Recognition of what we all are in the core – people, who are striving towards happiness while attempting to avoid suffering - helps one to cultivate brotherly feelings and sincere love and compassion for the others in one’s heart. These qualities are necessary, if we wish to survive in this world, which is daily becoming more crowded. Otherwise, if we all continue to egoistically try to gain only what, in our own opinion, is in our own best interests, without considering the needs of others, we will keep endlessly causing harm not just those around us, but to ourselves as well. In our century, this truth has become especially obvious.

Let your efforts to produce causes which result in beneficent consequences be crowned with success. Avoidance of evil actions, and performing good deeds will bring you peace and comfort.

Let the beginning Shagaa – Year of White Tiger – bring for all of us the realization of all our plans and beginnings, let it give us bright impressions and bring success in our joint efforts for the prosperity of our native country! Let the power of our prayers and good intentions help us to gain all the blessings of the world, prosperity and reconciliation. From my whole heart, I wish the people of our republic good health, love, happiness and luck in all their activities!

Be blessed by the Three Treasures – the Venerated Buddha, The True Teaching, and the Holy Sangha!

savetibet.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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