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» » Sholban Kara-ool’s address to the people of the republic on the occasion
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«    Fabruary 2010    »
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Sholban Kara-ool’s address to the people of the republic on the occasion

The head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool greeted the people of the republic with the bright holiday Shagaa, Lunar New Year:

“Respected co-citizens! My dear compatriots! Please accept my most sincere greetings with the bright holiday Shagaa – the Eastern Lunar New Year!

This holiday carries within itself customs and traditions of our ancestors, which are centuries old; it is a symbol of the unity and harmony of mankind with nature, which eternally renews itself, and of the triumph and victory of bright beginnings.

The starting year of the White Metal Tiger should become a year of great changes for us in political, economic, and spiritual matters. Tuva is meeting the Year of the Tiger under the sign of preparation for the referendum. General national elections will bring an answer to the main question: What should our parliament be like? Which political powers will decide the paths of further development of our republic?

The Year of the Tiger will see the continuation of major investment projects, including the project of Kyzyl - Kuragino railroad construction. This will build a foundation for the economic break-through of Tuva in a number of new directions, conditions for significant growth of prosperity of the whole population.

The activities of the Year of Tourism are expected to serve to secure the attractiveness of the republic for new investments. Together with economic pressure, the Year of Tourism also brings great spiritual pressure. While advertising the unique nature of Tuva, we should see the inimitable beauty of our small native country anew, the country which was bequeathed to us by our ancestors to love and to protect.

The Year of the Teacher, as announced by Dmitri Anatolievich Medvedev, will serve further spiritual development of the nation.

But the most significant event of the Year of the Tiger, in my opinion, will be the celebration, by the whole nation, of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory, won by the spilled blood of all of us, is a covenant of the unbreakable bond of friendship of the nations of Russia, the necessary condition of our movement forward.

The holiday of Shagaa has long become international in our Tuva of many ethnicities and many religions. It carries ideas which are readily comprehensible and close to all – respect for the national traditions, love of the native country, caring attitude to nature, and honoring of elders. The nation always associates Shagaa with its hopes for better life.

The Year of the Tiger, according to astrologists, is a year of achievements and trials of endurance. It is advantageous for consolidation of statehood, and observation of laws. For the young – it is a year of selection of one’s life path and growth of the career.

The animal herders can expect thick growing grass on the pastures this year, and the workers of the fields – rich harvests.

However, for the luck to stay with us, to justify our hopes for betterment, we have to expend the maximum of effort. Each of us has to stand firmly on the ground of reality, be pragmatic and goal-oriented, and persevering in reaching the set goals.

Let the holiday of Shagaa bring love and harmony to every family in Tuva, happiness and prosperity! Let your road be white, your intentions pure, and your actions noble!

Shagaa-bile!”, translated by Heda Jindrak
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