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«    January 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New Year’s greetings from the Kamby-Lama of Tuva to the people of the republic

Allow me to express New Year’s best wishes to you from the Administration of Kamby-Lama of Republic Tuva and from me personally, with the beginning of year 2010.

The year that is ahead of us comes in the image of the Tiger, personifying unquenchable energy and courage.

We sincerely wish you great successes, strong health, many joys, happiness, growth and luck. Let the strength of the Tiger help you realize all your plans, and to fulfill all your wishes.

The past year was difficult for Tuva and for all of us. Despite the difficulties, we, together, were able to complete quite a few serious projects. The re-construction of Ustuu-Khuree is almost finished, we brought 1000 gold statuettes, and many cultural-religious centers have been built in various kozhuuns. Many meetings and activities took place during the past year, which were aimed at fortifying Buddhism, and development of the principles of tolerance, non-violence and mutual respect.

The next year brings with it tasks that are no less complicated. Having united our efforts and pure intentions, we together will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our plans.

Let the Year of the Tiger stay as a warm and good memory in our hearts a year from today, let it be remembered as the year when all our dreams and wishes came true.

Again, sincere New Year’s greetings from my whole heart!, translated by Heda Jindrak
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