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30 May 2007 | Views: 6175 | Comments: 0 |
Over 3000 people will take part in the world old-believers Forum 'Avvakum's Path' which opens in Ulan-Ude, capital of Buryatia (Russia), on May 31. Among its participants are Tuva's ensembles - 'Oktai' and 'Vereya'. The two dwell their repertoir on the spiritual song of the old believers collected by the young musicians throughout ethnograpic expeditions in the Upper Yenissei.
24 May 2007 | Views: 8824 | Comments: 2 |
The 9th Ustuu-Khuree Festival of Live Music gets ready to receive musicians and public from all over Siberia and abroad. This year venue is of special importance, as Igor Dulush, initiator of the festival, founder of the rock group Internat, ex-boxer and a very observant Buddhist, noted to Tuva-Online. '9 is a sacred figure in the Tuvan World. Thus the ninth festival has to stand out. Besides 100 years ago the Ustuu-Khuree temple (in Tuvan, "Upper Monastery") was built, to the restoration of which the festival is devoted' - he said.
17 May 2007 | Views: 3488 | Comments: 1 |
If the collaboration between a Tuvan throat singer and an Irish laptop-ist sounds an unlikely combination, the end results fully justify the experiment; remarkably, the pairing works perfectly. The music here was developed over two years as Sainkho Namchylak and Roy Carroll explored ways to blend their music together in an improvised context.
On the opener—“Hill Tara”—Namchylak’s voice, as so often, initially grabs the attention as she displays the lilting, lyrical aspects of her singing, rather than its harsher, more spectacular side.
John Eyles, allaboutjazz.com |
14 May 2007 | Views: 4670 | Comments: 1 |
Tuvan music is echoing through the halls of U.S. schools thanks to the Alash Ensemble. Currently on a concert tour, Alash is also conducting workshops for youngsters. They consider it outreach for Tuvan music, and it is something that sets them apart from other bands. The most frequent questions they get are: “Does it hurt? What language do you speak? How long does it take you to learn to do this?”
Jean Bubley, photo by Serena Stucke |
4 May 2007 | Views: 7484 | Comments: 0 |
A recent inspection to the Tere-Khol district in Tuva, where this summer a large-scale archeological expedition will start excavations on the ancient Uyghur Fortress 'Por-Bazhyn', has proven tha camp is almost ready to host in late May the first shift of over 150 students and 50 specialists and service workers. The camp based on the former fish-storage site 8 km away from the Kungurtuk village, administrative center of the Tere-Khol district, comprises besides residential tents, bath-house, kitchen, dining house, first-aid post, etc. A pontoon bridge connects the island with the fortress ruins both to the district territory and the neighbouring island.
2 May 2007 | Views: 16731 | Comments: 4 |
Famous Tuvan music researcher Valentina Suzukei has finished her multifacetous study of Tuvan music culture in the XXth century. The scientist takes a closer look at the Tuvan musical phenomenon, analyses it in the context of the nomadic world perception, gives a full account of the ritual and labour musical practices, songs, instrumental music, Tuvan traditional instruments, makes a survey of both positive and negative consequences of the attempts to 'adapt' Tuvan music to European standards.
19 April 2007 | Views: 4003 | Comments: 0 |
Alash wowed the crowd at Barbes in Brooklyn, NY Monday evening, April 16, with their inspired performance of “new old Tuvan music.” Their superior musicianship and fresh new arrangements of ancient Tuvan songs clearly resonated with the audience, who were bouncing in their saddles to Ayan-ool Sam’s demonstration of ezenggileer, a style of singing that imitates of the sound of boots rhythmically tapping silver stirrups. One audience member was even holding imaginary reins.
Jean Bubbley, photo by Serena Stucke |
15 April 2007 | Views: 4218 | Comments: 0 |
The throat singing ensemble Alash will bring the unique music of the Central Asian Republic of Tuva to Ithaca this weekend. The group will be performing at the ABC Café and the Community School of Music and Art. The performances will include a question/answer session on Tuvan music, moderated by Sean Quirk, a Wisconsin native who travels with Alash as a translator.
3 April 2007 | Views: 3126 | Comments: 1 |
The Finnish Throatsinging Society, that celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2007, invites all those interested to an international photo exhibition "Pictures from throatsinging lands”, which is to open on April 4 in the the gallery of the Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki. The majority of the pictures are from Tuva.
2 April 2007 | Views: 3349 | Comments: 0 |
Musicians and a word about their voices and instruments
The line-up of the Tuva Ensemble has varied since the group was founded in 1988. In 2000 it was represented on a Japan tour by musicians called Mergen Chayan-Khoo, Nachun Choodu, Ayas-ool Danzyryn and Shonchalai Oorzhak with Mrs. Zoya Kyrgys, the head of the Khöömei Centre in Kyzyl,Tuva, and Ms. Kira Sergeyeva. With the exception of Mrs. Kyrgys, these musicians are unknown to me. I was told that Shonchalai Oorzhak is a grand daughter of a khöömei innovator called Oorzhak "Funasital-ool", which I suspect to be a misspelling of Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool, a well-known late master of khöömei.