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Natalia Solovieva: "Tuva is the homeland of the Scythians"

Natalia Solovieva: "Tuva is the homeland of the Scythians"In the framework of a joint educational project of Russian geographic Society and Academy of  citizens' defense MChS of Russia, a lecture was given by the head of Department of  protective archeology of Institute of History of material culture of RAN, co-ordinator of archeologic-geographic expedition of Russian geographic Society "Kyzyl - Kuragino", Natalia Fedorovna Solovieva, where she explained how archeologic discoveries are made. Natalia Solovieva:  You have heard about the extremely interesting rescue expedition which we are currently preparing in connection with the RGO project "Kyzyl - Kuragino".
  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Direction - to the Fashion Palace. Behind the scenes - Tuvan Couturier

Direction - to the Fashion Palace. Behind the scenes - Tuvan CouturierIt is hard to explain what this sound resembles. Certainly, it is like a cloud of falling splashes: if each of the splashes had its own voice, it would probably sound like this. Or the cries of a flock of tiny birds. Or the call of some overwhelming feeling: sweetly alarming, disturbing. Or…and then the sound entered the workshop. It entered and shattered the space.

The girls brought in a dress. Silk, dark blue, embroidered with white beads, and…jingle-bells. And that is what sang in many voices with every movement. Delicate, tremulous.

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Viktoria Kondrashova, translated by Heda Jindrak

Legend about Tuvan Grandfather Frost

The legend "About the Creation of the World" was first put into a written format by aspirant of Tuvan State University Aibek Soskal at the request of the director of ensemble "Edegei", Kima Chozarovna Dongak. For the next production, it was necessary to find out its origins: how did Sook-Irey get into traditional Tuvan culture? Designer and ballet-master Vyacheslav Dongak created Sook-Irey's costume on the basis of this legend.

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Aibek Soskal, translated by Heda Jindrak

Film about the National Museum of Tuva - "Kultura" channel

Film about the National Museum of Tuva - "Kultura" channelJanuary, 26, at 14:00 TV channel "Kultura" will show as part of the cycle "Provincial Museums of Russia"(artistic director - Alla Surikova), a film about the main keeper of Tuvan history. The TV project about museums of Russia has been realized since 1999 by Pozitiv-film studio with financial support of Federal Agency for culture and Cinematography and Federal Agency for press and mass Communications.

The author of the Tuva series is Vladimir Kopush. The filming took place with the support of Government of Tuva.

  • 80
Mergen Loigu, translated by Heda Jindrak

Exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" opened in Sankt-Peterburg

At the headquarters of Russian Geographic Society in Sankt-Peterburg,  the opening of exhibition "Treasures of Tuva" took place, dedicated to 90th anniversary of Tuvan People's republic. It was organized by Russian geographic Society and Institute of history of material culture of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Acting for Russian Geographic Society, the vice-president of the Society, head of department of regional economics and nature utilization, department of natural sciences, regional science, information, tourism and mathematical methods of Sankt-Peterburg State University of economy and finance, Vladimir Razumovskiy opened the exhibition.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva. Souvenirs and human lives.

USK "Subedei" turned into a huge New Year fair, where local entrepreneurs presented their products. The "General rehearsal" took place last night. An exhibition - fair of souvenirs by Tuvan artisans opened at the National Museum of Tuva.

'Who became related to the Taiga in the mountains".

Oyun Ayan was born and lived away from Tuva, and was brought up at a boarding school. He returned to Tuva only to avoid going to the army. The chief directions of his work are graphics, photography, polygraphs. He worked out his own style, and presented engravings and posters at the fair.

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Sainkho Namtchylak will conduct a throat-singing workshop in Buryatia

Sainkho Namtchylak will conduct a throat-singing workshop in BuryatiaTuvan singer Sainkho Namtchylak, who has long been living abroad and who conquered world renown, will conduct a throat-singing workshop at the Museum of History of Ulan-Ude on 19-20 November. 

As the government press-service of Buryatia explains, Sainkho Namtchylak, who is a singer-experimenter, improviser, composer, sound-poet, and specialist in archaic singing techniques, vocal techniques of people of Siberia and Far East, represents a unique phenomenon of world vocal culture.

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RIA-Sibir, translated by Heda Jindrak

National artist of Russia and Tuva, Nadezhda Kuular will hold a benefit concert

National artist of Russia and Tuva, Nadezhda Kuular will hold a benefit concertToday, national artist of Russia and Tuva is holding a benefit concert. She is saying good-bye to the State ensemble "Sayany", with whom she worked for many years.

Apparently, love for folk song is inherited in mother's milk. The singer's mother, Opal Agban-Shyyrapovna, who is now 81 years old, won the Grand-Prix of festival-contest "Folk Song - 2011".

At the concert, they will together sing a song about their native places.

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Tuvinskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

A time for everything: Svetlana Munzuk about her father - Maxim Munzuk

A time for everything:  Svetlana Munzuk about her father - Maxim Munzuk"Life can't be stopped, that means that time can't be stopped either. The saying - a time for everything - is not in vain. It really is like that: everybody is born in his own time and lives in his own times.

Do we have the right not to respect the past times? Do we have the right to pass judgment on the past?

Do we have the right not to forgive mistakes?

We have no such right. But we do have the right to analyze, to make choices and to prevent repeating mistakes. And mainly - to remember and to keep."

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Igor Koshkendey received the most applause at "Voices of the Golden Steppe" festival concert in Astrakhan

Yesterday was the opening day of the International Ethnographic Festival-contest "Voices of the Golden Steppe - 2011". About 1000 participants from Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan will be performing. Minister of Culture of republic Tatarstan, Alexander Abdeyev sent greetings to the ethnographic forum.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak
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