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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tourism Association was founded in Tuva

In the year of Tourism, Tourism Association was founded in Tuva. Today, its constitution was voted on by all the members of the constituent assembly – representatives of tourist firms, restaurant and hotel business, and cultural institutions. The Board of the Association was voted into office, consisting of 9 people and the President. The head of the firm “Alash-Tavel”, Orlan Kirov, the “corypheus of Tuva tourism” as his colleagues call him, was selected as the head of the Association.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Abnormal cold is causing cattle deaths in border districts

Abnormally prolonged period of strong freeze has put the animal herders of Central Asian regions into a difficult position. For example, in neighboring Mongolia, already more than one million heads of cattle have died from cold and dzut (ground frozen so hard that animals can’t feed. hj). The weather has caused similar problems for the herders in several districts of Tuva. As of today, already more that one thousand heads of small horned cattle and about 300 of large horned cattle have died in the republic as a result of the deep freeze. Mostly this involves young animals born last year.

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tuvapravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva Will Exchange 20 Bulls for 100 Evenk Reindeer

In August, 100 reindeer of the Evenk breed will go fromEvenkia to Tuva. During the visit of ministers of agriculture and animal breeding of Republic Tuva and Krasnoyarsk region to Evenkia, an agreement was reached about sending reindeer to Tuva.

According to the head of the reindeer-breeding firm “Surindinskiy”, Viktor Gayulski, a herd of 100 heads will be transported to the taiga zone of the republic for the purpose of improvement of the breed of Tuvan reindeer and to increase their population.

As the minister of animal breeding of Tuva Valentin Endan announced, Evenkia will receive 20 Tuvan bulls in exchange for the reindeer.

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Info from gov.tuva.ru translated by Heda Jindrak

In Tuva, “Bush Legs” Are Exchanged for Domestic Ones

The re-established chicken plant “Yeniseiskaya” started the sales of chicken meat in Tuva. In the 90’s, this enterprise went out of business, among other reasons also because it could not successfully withstand the competition from inexpensive “Bush legs” in the market conditions. After the reconstruction, into which about 150 million rubles were invested, it will supply a significant proportion of the needs of the population in chicken meat.

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Radio “Golos Rossii”, translated by Heda Jindrak

Khakassia will purchase 6,000 sheep in Tuva

The deputy of the Chairman of the government of Khakassia, Abrek Cheltygmashev, shared the results and his impressions of the visit to Tuva with Khakass press

at a press-conference.

He told the reporters that 6,000 sheep will be purchased in Tuva. Orders are already coming in from various areas of Khakassia. A project of co-operation with Mongolia is being evaluated, which would involve an establishment of a quarantine point in Tuva for sheep brought over from the neighboring country.

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Khakassia-Inform, translated by Heda Jindrak

Fish larvae from Khakassia going to a Tuvan lake

Nine million of fish larvae o will be released by the workers of “Khakasrybvod” (khakass fish breeding facility) into water reservoirs of Krasnoyarsk region and Tuva. As the employees of this firm informed the correspondents of IA Khakassia, currently the ichthyologists are involved in releasing fish into the Krasnoyarsk water reservoir and into lake Chagytai in Tuva.

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IA Khakassia, translated by Heda Jindrak

Air transportation established between Abakan and Kyzyl

On April 24, 2009, Flight SL 2037 opened on the route Novosibirsk - Abakan – Kyzyl, which will fly twice a week.

As announced by “FederalPress” in the press service Interregional association “Siberian Agreement”, such an extraordinary event as establishing a new air route in the period of economic crisis was necessitated because over the past few months, practically no interregional flights to Tuva remained active.
“Airplane An-24 will go from Novosibirsk to Abakan and Kyzyl on Mondays and Fridays”, announced “FederalPress”. “The return flights will be on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The cost from Novosibirsk to Kyzyl will be 6,400 rubles; the partial route, Novosibirsk to Abakan will be 4,900 rubles, and Abakan to Kyzyl 2,500 rubles.”

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News agencies, "Tuvinskaya pravda", translated by Heda Jindrak

Evraz Won't Develop Coal Field

Evraz Group said Monday that it had renounced the right to purchase the license to develop the Mezhegeiskoye coal deposit, which it won in a hotly contested auction last year, because of weakening market conditions. Evraz unit Yuzhkuzbassugol had offered 16.9 billion rubles ($510 million) to win the right to the license in July, beating out competitors including Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element for the deposit in the Tuva region.

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The Moscow Times

Basel in Talks with Lunsin to Mine Tuva Metals Deposit

Interfax recently cited Mr Andrei Plugar deputy general director of BasEl as saying that Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element held negotiations with OOO Lunsin a subsidiary of China's Zijin Mining Group and Heilongjiang Longxing International Resource Development Group on the joint development of the Kyzyl Tashtyg zinc and lead deposit the internal Russian republic of Tuva.
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Basic Element, China's Lunsin Could Build CHP Plant Fuelled By Tuva Coal

Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element (BasEl) and Lunsin, a subsidiary of China's Sinopec and member of the Zijing mining group, have agreed on the joint construction of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant which will be fuelled by coal mined at the Kaa-Khem strip mine in the Russian internal republic of Tuva, the Kommersant newspaper reported.

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Interfax / Redorbit.com
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