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«    March 2025    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

81 years since the birth of the patriarch of Tuvan literature, Kyzyl-Enik Kudazhy

Today marks 81 years from the birth of the National writer of Tuva, Laureate of Government prize of the republic, member of  the Writers’ Union of Russia and Tuva, Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhy (1929-2006). A native of Iyi-Tal of Ulug-Khem district, he was born on December 13 1929 in a small village Cheenik, in the clan of Baryk Kyrgystary (Kyrgyses of Baryk, settled along river Baryk, a tributary of Yenisei).  Later, he described these places in his novel-trilogy “Uygu chok Ulug-Khem” (Restless Ulug-Khem), which then became a classic.

Kudazhy first took up his pen in 1948. His first book of verse was published 10 years later, in 1958.

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translated by Heda Jindrak

Sharp drop in temperatures in Tuva

Sharp drop in temperatures in TuvaAnomalous cold weather with thirty degree (centigrade), and in the north of Krasnoyarsk Krai and Irkutsk region even 40 degree cold is expected in the next few days  in practically all the regions of the Siberian federal area, as the Emergency services announced.

“On territories of Krasnoyarsk Krai, republic Khakassia, and Irkutsk Region, there is a possibility of  emergency situations of municipal character on December 10-12,  occasioned by failures of energy delivery and transportation, because of the strong cold, - as was announced on Friday by the Siberian regional center.

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RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak

The famous cabin of the legendary scholar of Tuvan shamanism transferred into his private ownership

The famous cabin of the legendary  scholar of  Tuvan shamanism  transferred into his private ownershipThe wooden cabin, which has been already for many years the headquarters of the chief scholar of Tuvan shamanism, Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan, was transferred into his private ownership. This decision was announced yesterday at the presentation of the second, expanded edition of the novel-essay “Buyan-Badyrgy”, dedicated to the memory of the prominent statesman of Tuva, by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. “It is not for me. It is for history, for posterity, - Mongush  Borakhovich did not hide his pleasure. The writer is happy that the book about one of the founders of Tuvan State received a new life.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

A convention of the peoples of the republic will take place in Tuva

A convention of the peoples of the republic will take place in TuvaMatters of fortifying inter-ethnic agreement are to be evaluated at the Convention of the peoples of Tuva, which will start work in Kyzyl on 10 December. It is expected that about 300 delegates from various districts and cities of the republic, representing different ethnic groups living in Tuva, will take part in the international forum. According to data from the 2002 census, the population of this region includes more than 30 ethnic groups.

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Info from government press-service translated by Heda Jindrak

Three leaders in Internet-voting for “Nine treasures of Tuva” has not changed after 8 days: snow leopard, lake Azas, and river Yenisei

These are the preliminary results of Internet voting:


Snow leopard

3840 (20.05%)

Lake Azas

887 (4.64%)

River Yenisei

858 (4.49%)

Lake Kara-Khol with waterfall

736 (3.85%)

Mt. Bai-Taiga

617 (3.23%)

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Mikhail Bukhtuyev’s tank - used as a battering ram of an armored train - is among the objects subjected to voting for “7 Wonders of Belorussia”

Mikhail Bukhtuyev’s tank -  used as a battering ram of an armored train - is among the objects subjected to voting for “7 Wonders of Belorussia”The site of  Belorussian “Narodnaya gazeta” ( is holding an internet voting for “7 Wonders”. Among the main objects of which the Oktyabrsk district of Gomelskaya region of Belorussia is proud of  is  a monument of the only tank that was used as a battering ram against an armored train in military history. The act was performed by a native of Tuvan Todzha, 18-year-old Mikhail Artemievich Bukhtuyev. Every year during state holidays, and on Mikhail Bukhtuyev’s birthday - 23 November - wreaths are brought to the monument, as Larisa Teplova, the chief of the department of ideological work of Oktyabrsk district administration informed “Tuva-Online”.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Dina Oyun will bear government responsibility for electronic Tuva

Dina Oyun will bear government responsibility for electronic TuvaThe head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool announced the appointment of a new vice-premier of the government in the matters of development of informational communications. The adviser to the head of the region, editor-in-chief of IA “Tuvaonline” Dina Oyun will be appointed to this office; she will take up the task of realization of the program of adoption of “electronic government” in the republic, as well as of matters of development of informational politics. The head of the region Sholban Kara-ool emphasized that the task of developing an informational society, set by President of Russia, is becoming more relevant every day.

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Info from press-service of Government of RT translated by Heda Jindrak

Eternal Song of the Universe (Memories of Ai-Churek)

Eternal Song of the Universe (Memories of Ai-Churek)The most illustrious shamaness Ai-Churek has left us, departed for another world…

The life of a shaman is an endless struggle. Shamans, just like fighters in the ring are always in a fighting frame of mind in their spirit, but in contrast to athletes, who fight only in the ring, the Shamans Fight for Life and Strong Blood, and their Fight lasts their Whole Life on Earth and Afterwards…

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Sainkhoo Namchylak,, translated by Heda Jindrak

Internet and SMS voting for “Nine Treasures of Tuva” will take place from December 1 to December 10.

Today in Government House a press-conference took place, where the journalists were told about the next, the most significant stage of  the special project “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) - the popular voting for the nine most important noteworthy attractions of the republic, which will take place on December 1-10. The 45 entries, which were selected by the Expert Council for the final vote were introduced to those present.

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Anna Khadakhane, translated by Heda Jindrak

Bear which wandered into the Tuvan Capital was rabid

Bear which wandered into the Tuvan Capital was rabidThe bear which wandered into the right-bank part of Tuvan capital was sick with rabies. That is the conclusion reached by specialists of the veterinary laboratory after virological examination of the bear’s brain. They also determined the bear’s approximate age of 6-7 years. As the chief of the security department of State hunting and fishing commission of the republic, Boris Medvedev,  informed us, the bear’s carcass was burned, and the skin utilized.

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Plyus Inform newspaper, translated by Heda Jindrak
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