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Tuvan Journalist is Awarded with the Human Rights Defense Prize

Sayana Mongush at the Sakharov awards. Photo by Alexandr Papyn Sayana Mongush, Tuva-Online deputy editor, is awarded with Andrei Sakharov's prize. The jury headed by Alexei Simonov, head of the Glasnost Foundation, has studied over 100 works sent from 30 regions of Russia. Out of 23 qualified for the finals 6 nominees were selected among which was a Tuvan journalist. She conquered the jury by an easy line and a very firm position in defending human rights. The jury were astounded at the fact that a fragile and young woman is bringing up alone 5 children - 4 boys, the eldest is 16, and the youngest in the family 5-year-old girl.
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Dina Oyun

One can Find Kinship between Tuvan Shaman and American President

Nikolai Oorjak More orders to establish relation to some noble clans and ancestors come to the corresponding institutions in Russia from 'new Russians'. Well-to-do businessmen want to belong to Russian nobility and it is not very difficult to prove as it turns out. 'I'm ready to pay as much money as you ask - please make up our family tree coming from the noble roots. George Bush We are bombarded with such letters, - says director of one of the such institutions.And as we all come from Adam and Eva, - it is quite possible. Thus it is just a matter of money and time to track a genealogical link between Tuvan shaman Oorjak and American President Bush.
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Rodnaya Gazeta

Severe Frosts in Tuva

Severe December frosts have come to Tuva. Temperatures have fallen to -42 degrees according to Celsium scale. Children from the 1st to the 9th forms are permitted not to attend classes. Only senior schoolchildren keep going to school in spite of the extremely low temperatures as they are in the end of the year to pass finishing school exams and are afraid to miss important topics which can show up at the entrance exams to the higher educational schools.
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Dina Oyun, Sayana Mongush

Memorial Concert Dedicated to One of the First Tuvan Rock-musicians Took Place in Kyzyl

Gosha Sat, Tuvan rock-star. Photo from his personal archive Concert devoted to Gosha Sat, one of the most talented Tuvan bass-guitar-players, composers and first Tuvan rockers, was held in Kyzyl. It was titled 'Duzhuum-dur bo, chugaalap beein!' (This is my dream. Let us speak on it.), a line from one of his popular songs. A nugget from the most singing place in Tuva - Khondergei in Dzun-Khemchik - he was one of the founders of the legendary Centre of Asia group. Its repertoire was made primarily out of his songs. The group was a pioneer in Tuvan rock and was the most popular at that time. Gosha's favourite instrument was a bass-guitar. He died young. Unfortunately following the same way on which many other talented Tuvans passed away.
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Sayana Mongush

Eclectic Fairytale

Sainkho Namtchylak, the Tuva-born, Vienna-based vocalist, who started out Sainkho Namtchylak as a folk singer, but later encompassed avant-jazz, rock and electronic music influences in her act, seems to return to her ethnic roots with a new release. Her forthcoming CD, “Arjaana,” is a fairytale that Namtchylak wrote in 1983. According to the news release, she wrote it for her small daughter who was taken by her parents to Tuva while Namtchylak was in Moscow, studying traditional music and singing at a music school. It was first published in 1987 in the literary magazine Ulug-Khem, in Tuva. Recorded in St. Petersburg with a bunch of local rock musicians, and the addition of avant-jazz players Yevelina Petrova on accordion and the Moscow-based saxophonist Sergei Letov, it features Namtchylak’s soft narrative in Russian and music mainly based on old Central Asian traditions According to Namtchylak’s web site, the record is intended for children and accompanied with a small book illustrated by the singer herself.
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Saint-Petersburg Times

External Governance is Proposed to Be Introduced in Tuva

Dmitri Kozak. Photo by panram.ru It is possible to use the mechanism of external governance in three Russian government-subsidized regions the Tyva Republic, Ingushetia and Daghestan, the president's plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District said Friday.

"External governance does not mean that the constituent members of the Russian Federation will be deprived of their powers. It only means additional control over the spending of budget funds," Dmitry Kozak told journalists.

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RIA Novosti

One of the Oldest Tuvan Village Schools Turns 80

A school named after Soktai Oyun, Tuvan volunteer in the Second World War, in the historic village of Kochetovo, where in 1921 the first Tuvan Congress was held, today has celebrated its 80th anniversary. It was founded in 1924 and was designed as a school for children of Russian settlers in Tuva and initially had only two classes. Today there are 180 schoolchildren and 31 teachers studying and working here.
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Sayana Mongush

Who is Who in Tuvan Science

A reference book 'Scientists of TIGI (Tuvan Institute for Humanities)' has Sevyan Vainshtein. Photo by Chimiza Lamajaa been released in Kyzyl. It is devoted to the 60th anniversary of the TIGI more known as Tuvan Scientific-Research Institute for Literature, History and Language. The book contains 108 articles on all the scientists ever working in the institute - from the pioneers of science in Tuva such as Alexandr Palmbakh (founder of the Tuvan written language), Leonid Chadamba (first director of the institute), Sevyan Vainshtein, Shuluu Sat to the present generation of scientists.
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Dina Oyun

Turnover of Mobile Phones

A curious fact has been recently registered by Tuvan militia - a stolen mobile phone was brought back by a Kyzyl customer. It turned out later that a young man who has spent all his fortune in a game house came to a shop and stole a phone when a shop-assistant was busy. He sold the expensive mobile phone worth 7000 rouble to his acquaintance at the price of 2000 rouble and went on gambling.
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Schit i Mech news-paper

Tuvan Wrestler has Turned the Strongest in Sumo Tournment

Ayas Mongush Ayas Mongush, 12 times khuresh winner at the Tuvan Championships, won the gold medal and a big sum of money (which was not specified) at the prestigeous 'Sumo Wrestler' tournment which has just finished in Moscow. In the final he defeated 190 kg heavy Vladimir Antonov from Kolomna city. All the fights could be watched online on sportcom.ru.
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