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The 18th season of horse races opens in Tuva

The 18th season of horse races opens in TuvaToday, horse breeders from the whole republic are coming to Chadan. In Tuva. Tomorrow the 18th season of republican horse races opens in Tuva; it is the most popular kind of sport in the republic.

Traditionally the route of the horse riders will take place at Bora-Bulak near the center of Dzun-Khemchik district - the town of Chadan.

According to information supplied by the president of Federation of horse sport of Tuva, Eduard Dagba-Lama,  more than 400 of just the riders of the race horses and horse owners are coming.  Even more fans are expected, who will be using their own motor vehicle transportation.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan hunters caught more than 230 wolves since the beginning of the year

Tuvan hunters caught more than 230 wolves since the beginning of the yearIn Tuva, in the course of the first three months of 2011, 230 wolves have been destroyed, or 60% of the total number of the predators caught in 2010.  The vice-premier of the republic, Valentin Endan informed about this; he is the government curator of village management in the republic. The matter of struggle with wolves was discussed today at a report of the course of the breeding campaign in the herding farms of Tuva.   Struggle with the grey predators was designated as one of the relevant tasks in this campaign; since the beginning of the year, wolves have already killed 904 heads of small horned cattle, 92 cows and 35 horses.
  • 60, translated by Heda Jindrak

85 years from the birth of legendary researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein (1926 - 2008)

85 years from the birth of legendary researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein (1926 - 2008)Today marks 85 years from the day of birth of legendary ethnographer, archeologist, orientalist - turkologist, Doctor of history, professor Sevyan Izrailevich Vainshtein.

A graduate of MGU, native Muscovite, he left the comfortable capital and went to Tuva, which he researched for almost half a century in expeditions on foot, or riding horses, reindeer and camels.

Based on the materials collected during his many years of ethnographic and archeological expeditions, Vainshtein wrote fundamental historical-ethnographical monographs about Tuvans, their origins, and the origins of their national culture ("Tuvans-Todzhans" M.,1961; "History of national art of Tuva" M.,1974; "Historical ethnography of Tuvans" M.,1972; "The world of nomads of Center of Asia", M.,1991)

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Legendary shamanologist Mongush Kenin-Lopsan accepts birthday greetings

Legendary shamanologist Mongush Kenin-Lopsan accepts birthday greetingsToday, Doctor of historical studies, famous researcher of shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan becomes  86 years old.  He received many birthday greetings in his legendary little cabin. "The Living Treasure of Shamanism"… in the whole world, only three of the chosen ones were awarded this highest title by the American Foundation for Shamanic Studies.  Among them is also Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, who received this title in 1994 for his contribution to preserving traditional Tuvan shamanism.

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Mariana Devlet, Zoya Samdan, translated by Heda Jindrak

10 Northern reindeer from Tuva filled up a Khakass Zoo

10 Northern reindeer from Tuva filled up a Khakass ZooTuvan reindeer herders have given ten Todzha reindeer to  "Abakanskiy" Zoo - a unique sub-species of the northerners. several days ago, 10 animals from the farm of the local reindeer-herding community "Aldyn-Ivi" (Golden Reindeer" were delivered to the Khakass capital and settled into its enclosures.  In the words of the head of the community Svetlana Sambu-Demkina, beside the Abakan zoo, the administration of natural park "Ergaki" in Krasnoyarsk Krai, which specializes in tourist services, also expressed a similar  wish to obtain several of these animals.

  • 80
Translated by Heda Jindrak

One hour ahead - for the last time

One hour ahead - for the last timeDuring the night of 27 March, Russians will move the hands of  their clocks one hour ahead  - to the "summer" time for the last time. Rosstandart informed ITAR-TASS that " in correspondence with the  order of reckoning time, as decided by the government of RF, on 27 March 2011  the "summer" time period will begin on Russian territory." The hands of all clocks on the entire territory of the country will be moved one hour ahead at 2:00 AM on 27 March. The time change will be performed for the last time, according to the decision of President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev. The head of the government announced this on  8 February 2011.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kongar-ool Ondar has a son

Kongar-ool Ondar has a sonToday at 6 AM, Tuvan throat-singer Kongar-ool Ondar's son was born. The famous khoomeizhi received the  joyful news in Moscow, where he was on a business trip. He had already made a decision to name his third son in honor of his father Saiyn-ool. Remember that yesterday Kongar-ool Ondar  participated in a conference of  Dmitry Medvedev with arts activists, where he successfully  brought the fate of an astonishing phenomenon - Tuvan throat-singing - to the President's attention.  Khoomei is super-popular in the West, therefore after the news about the President's meeting, and performance of throat-singing there hit the media, the throat-singer was swamped with numerous phone-calls not just from  Russian journalists, but from foreign ones as well.  "Even the head of the American association "Friends of Tuva in America" , Ralf Leighton, called to say great, now such pearls as throat-singing are beginning to be appreciated even in Russia, not just abroad!" - said Kongar-ool Ondar on the phone.
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Info from government press-service translated by Heda Jindrak

South Korean film crew surprised by great numbers of smokers

South Korean film crew surprised by great numbers of smokersAt Tuvan State University, a final meeting of Tuvan scholars  with representatives of South Korean educational canal EBC ltd. Production Purme took place. At this meeting, the guests shared their impressions of Tuva after a two-week stay in the republic. Remember that the guests arrived to the republic at the end of February to film a fifty-minute documentary film about Tuvan culture, shamanism and way of life.

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Roxana Pyuryuna, translated by Heda Jindrak

Buddhists of Tuva are praying for the people of Japan

Buddhists of Tuva are praying for the people of JapanThe Supreme Lama (Kamby-lama) of Tuva, Tenzin Tsultim  called on Tuvan Buddhists to "pray for those who died" in the earthquake and tsunami in Japan", and to "wish them a good reincarnation, and speedy recovery to the country".

"Our hearts are filled with pain and compassion, and we are thinking about distant Japan every second",   the spiritual leader's statement, posted on the official site of Buddhists of Tuva,  reads.

"At this tragic time, the entire Tuvan nation will constantly pray for the brotherly nation of Japan", - emphasizes the Kamby-Lama.

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Translated by Heda Jindrak

Snow leopard population in Tuva is growing

The condition of the snow leopard population in the south part of Shapshal ridge and on the Tsagaan-Shibetu ridge in Tuva is favorable, but the main menace to the irbis still comes from poachers.

That is the conclusion reached by the experts of the expedition which took place with the support of the Altai-Sayan section of WWF after calculation of the numbers of snow leopard and mountain goat. The participants in the project, which ended on March 6, were workers of the "Ubsunur depression" preserve and inspectors from State Committee of Republic Tuva  for Hunting and Fishing.

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AIS, translated by Heda Jindrak
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