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» National Unity Holiday was Celebrated in Tuva by a Charity Campaign
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«    November 2005    »
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National Unity Holiday was Celebrated in Tuva by a Charity Campaign

A new holiday - National Unity Day - was for the 1st time celebrated in Russia on the 4th of November. The date was meant to substitute an old holiday celebrated all over the counstry - the day of the October Revolution. As the authorities say, the day which split the country in 1917 should not be celebrated any more. A close to it date - the 4th of November - when the united people masses headed by Minin and Pozharski (their statue stands on the Red Square) liberated the country from the Polish occupants in the 14th century was found in the Kremlin. In Tuva the new date was celebrated by a chain of "good deeds" as it was called by the "United Russia" party. Young activists of the party took care of the isolated old people, visited orphanages, were "doing good deeds", as it was declared by the party. "United Russia" is the party of power which has the overwhelming majority of mandates in the State Duma of Russia which lets it support all the governmental decisions and adopt unpopular laws.

Dina Oyun
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