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«    October 2006    »
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Emergency Minister Presented Kyzyl School With Computer Class

Sergei Shoigu, Eergency minister of Russia, and Sherig-ool Oorzhak, prime-minister of Tuva. Photo from official site of Tuva One of the most-known Tuvans in Russia, Federal Emergency and Civil Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, came to Tuva for a two day visit. He chaired a session in Kyzyl devoted to the implementation of the Agreement of cooperation between the Emergency Ministry of Russia and Government of Tuva. Its participants discussed security problems, the efficiency of local rescue brigade work, and neccessary assistance to the rescue service from the executive power of Tuva. Shoigu's visit to Tuva has been officially declared as a working one, although multiple pro-United Russia posters in Kyzyl streets with his image on them in company with Tuvan Prime-minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak, who leads the UR party list in the parliamentary elections, have added to it a propagandized aroma.

United Russia poster with Shoigu and Oorzhak. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Shoigu had a meeting with students from the Tuvan State University and Agricultural school.

He was slated to come to the jubileum party in his school #1 celebrating its 90th anniversary, but missed it just as he missed other events in the two-day plan for his visit. The weather being fine these days in Tuva, Shoigu took a helicopter and flew on an 'individual plan' as a close to the Government source reported to Tuva-Online.

Still Sergei Shoigu left good presents for the school, which he graduated from in 1973, a computer class for twenty pupils, four note-books, and a music-amplifying set.

Dina Oyun
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