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«    July 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva is cultivating “health fashion”

Tuva is cultivating “health fashion”Tuva started to seriously develop its sports infrastructure. Last year, the republic managed to sign up for federal programs and to receive a subsidy for reconstruction of  the main stadioum in Kyzyl, as well as a swimming pool in the capital. This year,  Shagonar and Ak-Dovurak are to receive new football (soccer) fields. Construction began on the sports annex at School No.12. This year, students of the oldest  Tuvan school,  - School No.1 in Turan, will also receive a base for their sport activities.

The leaders of the republic are convinced that promotion of a healthy way of life and development of sports will have a beneficial effect in the struggle against alcoholism and juvenile delinquency.

Tuva is cultivating “health fashion”A new wrestling mat was received by pupils of  middle School No.2 in Kok-Tei. A  free fighting team is active there, where more than 70 children of the entire settlement  Kaa-Khem of the Kyzyl district go to school.

Before, training took place on sports mats which were not entirely suitable for single matches. Premier Sholban Kara-ool noted that goal-oriented children have to be given the best possible conditions, including safety during lessons.

The sports section is led by a 63-year-old guard of the school, formerly well-known wrestler Mi9khail Mongush. As the school’s principal, Tatiana Dolgikh told us, the children willingly attend his classes, and there are more and more of those that wish to do so., because all the sports organizations are concentrated in Kyzyl, which is too far for children from the settlement.

wrestling matting costing about 140 thousand rubles is normally used for sports organizations. By the decision of the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool,  this is the first time, that this type of equipment is given to a general education school.

By September 1, the renovated Ivan Yarygin sports complex will re-open. Only the name remains from the old building.

It is planned to finish a 10-year construction of the Center for children rehabilitational medicineIt is planned to finish a 10-year construction of the Center for children rehabilitational medicineThe Complex has been completely re-built, and not just a swimming pool, but also five sports halls are planned, including one for sports gymnastics, for fitness activities, a large sports hall, another for wrestling and for boxing.

this project, so significant for the republic became a kind of bonus to Tuva from Rossport for  good experience of utilization of federal means for reconstruction of 5-Years of Soviet Tuva Stadium, which was started in 2009.

As part of  a “United Russia” party project, a sports complex with a swimming pool will be built for the chief institution of higher education in the republic - Tuvan State University.

Dina Oyun, Dolaana Salchak, translated by Heda Jindrak
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