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электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in Erzin

Sleeping bag and a vest from Tuvan sheepskin Made in ErzinProduction of Erzin furriers could become the trademark not just for Erzin district, but for whole Tuva. The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, during a trip to the southern districts of Tuva especially noted the factory for skin-tanning and sewing products from sheepskins associated with SPK "Bai-Khol" in the village of Erzin - the administrative center of Erzin district. Minister of economy of RT Elena Karatayeva was assigned to look into the possible variants of support to this branch of activity of the SPK. The factory began production about three months ago. The farm organized a special brigade of seven people, the vice-director of the SPK Orlan Chigzhit was assigned as its head, because he has experience in similar type of production.
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Anna Lachugina, translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Vitalii Shaifulin

Three-day storm with blizzard in Tuva killed 170 heads of cattle

Three-day storm with blizzard in Tuva killed 170 heads of cattleA storm that attacked Siberian regions did not spare Tuva. The powerful squall winds together with strong snowfall swept through roads of local significance in the western districts of the republic. Dozens of herding stations were cut off from central locations of farming enterprises. Because of the situation, at the meeting of KChS on 8 May, the decision was made on orders of the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, to organize work groups to go to the affected districts to help herders. Today the leadership of the ministry of agriculture and food supply of the republic reported to Premier Sholban Kara-ool about the situation in the districts where the conditions are the worst.
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Info from Government of Tuva press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuvan water, khoitpak, yurts and salami passed the selective process of international contest

Tuvan water, khoitpak, yurts and salami passed the selective process of international contestInternational contest "Best products and services of Eurasia - Gemma" determined the winners of the next qualifying stage. According to results of 2012, 710 enterprises won, including 150 from 45 countries of the world, and 560 from forty regions of Russian Federation. Among them are ten firms from Republic Tyva; makers of food products, commercial production and representatives of services. They all were awarded medals and certificates of qualifying tour "Best products and services of Siberia - Gemma-2012".

For "Bai-Khaak Akva" - bottled natural non-carbonated drinking water with content of silver - the award went to OOO "Bai-Khaak".

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Irina Slugina, Centre of Asia, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva presses Chinese investors repaire roads

Tuva presses Chinese investors repaire roadsHead of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool officials during a working meeting with the Vice President of “name Zijin” Lin Hongfu and Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOO “Lunsin” Lin Žujtènom officials from Chinese investors to reconstruction of roads damaged by heavy machinery. About this the press service of the Tuva Government reported.

Šolban Kara-ool noted the satisfactory implementation of the project of Kyzyl-Taštygskogo deposits of polymetallic ores in the Todžinskom region of Tuva.
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Baku Today

Ninth Interregional Fair "TyvaExpo-2012" now in Tuva

Ninth Interregional Fair "TyvaExpo-2012" now in TuvaFrom 24 August, the Ninth Interregional Exhibition - Fair will be at the "Subedei" sports complex, as announced by the site of the Ministry of Economy of the republic. The fair will take three days. Among the participants, firms and organizations from regions of SFO and other regions of Russia are expected, as well as firms from Mongolia. More than 100 participants are expected, 40% of which are firms and organizations based in Tuva.
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mert.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Visit Card of Tuva is Aldyn-Bulak

Visit Card of Tuva is Aldyn-BulakTraditional culture is what helps a nation to stay unique. The newly built Aldyn-Bulak ethnic cultural centre in Russia’s Tyva Republic in southern Siberia aims to study and promote folklore, traditions and customs. The name ‘Aldyn-Bulak’ means ‘golden spring’. Located 45 km from the capital Kyzyl, the centre is expected to boost ethno tourism in the area. The centre welcomed its first visitors earlier this month.
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Livestock is doing well this winter in remote Tuvan districts

Livestock is doing well this winter in remote Tuvan districtsBy the early January, the expenditure of animal feeds was 1179 tons. 5027 tons are still available, which will allow the wintering to proceed without problems. By 10 February, representatives from reindeer-herding groups will be coming to the district center to participate in the annual holiday - festival of Todzha reindeer herders, as the zoo-technician of the farming administration, of Todzha, Oksana Lopsan announced.

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gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva. A camel farm

Tuva. A camel farmOne of the first depictions of this imperial animals on Tuvan territory was found by archeologists in the district of Upper Yenisei. An ancient artist engraved the drawing of a camel already in the first century before our era.

The camel - "teve" - is mentioned many times in Tuvan folk epics, where the animal is compared to the hero-warrior, whose nostrils spout smoke, and whose step shakes and crumbles mountains. There have always been camels in Tuva. Nevertheless, they remain, and probably will remain exotic even for Tuvan residents for many years to come.

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Galina Murygina, Tuvinskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

National artist of Russia and Tuva, Nadezhda Kuular will hold a benefit concert

National artist of Russia and Tuva, Nadezhda Kuular will hold a benefit concertToday, national artist of Russia and Tuva is holding a benefit concert. She is saying good-bye to the State ensemble "Sayany", with whom she worked for many years.

Apparently, love for folk song is inherited in mother's milk. The singer's mother, Opal Agban-Shyyrapovna, who is now 81 years old, won the Grand-Prix of festival-contest "Folk Song - 2011".

At the concert, they will together sing a song about their native places.

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Tuvinskaya pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva: People of Action. Bee Keepers Alexander Vlasov and Dolaana Anchy.

Alexander Vlasov considers himself a hereditary beekeeper. Already his mother had several bee hives,

-  But my parents' bees somehow all died at the same time, and they did not repeat the attempt. Remembering this sad experience, I supplied myself with the necessary literature, but there are no bee pharmacies or stores in Tuva, so I had to go to Abakan, - he relates.

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Galina Murygina, journal "Tuvinskaya Pravda". Photo by Vladimir Savinykh, translated by Heda Jindrak
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