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«    July 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Ayas Mongush is World Champion in Sumo!

An open championship of sumo-wrestling has just finished in Budapest, Hungary. Among Russian sportsmen taking part were Tuvan wrestlers Ayas Mongush and Kan-Demir Kuular.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Prime-minister is Awarded with the Diploma of Honour

A Diploma of Honor of the Russian Government was presented to Prime Minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak for his contribution to the development of the republic, and also coincides with Mr. Oorzhak's 60th birthday. The diploma was presented by Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia, who is visiting Tuva. Word also came that another honor for Mr. Oorzhak will be issued by Decree of the Russian President soon, an Order of Honor.
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Governmental Press-service

No Compromise Found in the Lower Chamber of the Tuvan Parliament

The Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural of Tuva has recessed today for a month without electing a chief. The proposed candidates had not yielded the 17 votes necessary during today's plenary session. The numerous talks aimed at finding a compromise yielded no results. Tired of these discussions, the deputies decided to take a month's holiday. Their next sitting is set for September 2. Meanwhile, the duties of the head of the parliament will be fulfilled by Sholban Kara-ool.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvan Shaman Visiting Austria

One of the most prestigious Musical events of the year is happening now in Salzburg (Austria) - the Mozart Festival. Taking part in it as guests are Tuvan shamans Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, chairman of the Tuvan Society of Shamans, Mongush Laso, a shaman of the Dungur Society, Nina Syrat, a shaman of the Dos Teer Society, Vadim Saryglar, a throatsinger from Tuva, and Rollanda Kongar, an interpreter
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Dina Oyun

Help Oleg Ondar! Urgent!!!

On August 1 the 7th Stage of the World Cup auto rally from Saint-Petersbourg to Novorossisk will begin. Tuvan sportsmen Oleg Ondar is going to take part in it as a member of the Russian team. But for the cost of the rally auto he needs 80,000 rubles ($2,600).
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Sayana Mongush

Hunting Trophies are on Exhibit

An exhibition of hunting trophies was opened in the sports hall Kherel. The main contributors to it were Todha hunters who received most of medals. Yuri Nikitin got the gold medal for the horns of a European elk (368,5 balls), and of a North reindeer (853,4 balls). Among the other winners were Andrei Markaryan who presented the scull of a bear. The exposition will help select articles for the International Exhibition which will take place in Moscow in December 2002.
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Sayana Mongush

Tuvan Prime-minister Turning 60!

Today Sherig-ool Oorzhak is celebrating his 60th anniversary. Born in the year of the Horse it is in this Horse year that he achieved his third re-election as the head of the Republic. He graduated from the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (Moscow) and began his labour activity as the head of the Shekpeer state-farm (Baryyn-Khemchik district).
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Sayana Mongush

Super Party has been Formed in Tuva

The two most prominent parties of Russia: Yedinstwo-Unity (Sergei Shoigu) and Otechestwo-Motherland (Yuri Luzhkov) have merged and formed a new party: United Russia. Its affiliate was officially formed in Tuva yesterday. Its Tuvan membership counts 126 people. Leading this new political party will be Zoya Dorzhu, doctor in historical sciences. The political council of the Tuvan United Russia will consist of Sholban Kara-ool, Victor Glukhov, Anatoli Damba-Khuurak, Zinaida Ondar.
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Sayana Mongush

Students of the Tuvan University are Best Volley-Ball Players!

The Presidential volleyball Cup is over. Among female teams, the best proved to be sportswomen of the Tuvan State University. Second place was occupied by the team from the Baryyn-Khemchik district. Kaa-Khem volleyball players turned out to be the third among the ladies teams. In the men's competition, the auto/road inspectors' team won first place. The runners-up are from the Sut-Khol district. The Baryyn-Khemchik mens' team came in third place.
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Victoria Hovalyg

German Consul Visited Archaeological Excavations in Tuva

The German Consul in Novosibirsk, Frank Maike, has been in Tuva on a two day visit. He visited archeological excavations which are being carried out in the Pii-Khem district by the joint Russian-German expedition headed by Konstantin Chugunov (Saint-Petersburg) and promised that support for this work will be continued by the German side. The archeologists continue their work which began last year, when the discovery was made in the Tsar Valley an untouched burial mound from Scythian times. Their find provoked a world-wide sensation. The grave contained the remains of a Scythian leader and his wife
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Alexandr Filatenko
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