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» Tuvan Term 'Ugba' has Provoked Discussion at the International Conference
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«    July 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Term 'Ugba' has Provoked Discussion at the International Conference

3 Tuvan scientists have taken part in the 48th session of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC) which has just finished in Moscow. It gathered 87 scholars from all over the world. The topic chosen was 'Kinship Terms'. Consonant with it was 'Tuvan Terms of Kinship' presentation made by Liubov Kara-ool. It was listened to with much attention and provoked a lot of questions. One of them came from Roza Tadinova (Kazakhstan), who was sure that the Tuvan term of ugba (older sister) comes of the all-turcic one – 'apa' (mother) and is not of the Tuvan origin as Tuvan scholars believe. But the Tuvan linguists are sure that it has to do with the Tuvan term of 'ava' (mother) not 'ugba'. Zoya Anaiban presented a paper 'Epos and Archive Materials as a Source for the Research of the Woman's Role in the Traditional Nomadic Society in the Southern Siberia'. Roza Sumba, Germany-based Tuvan scientist, spoke of 'Cataloguization of Tibetan Manuscripts and Xilographs from the Tuvan Museum Funds'. The next PIAC session will be held in Berlin, from July, 30 till August, 4, 2006.

Dina Oyun
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