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» Khomus Lovers will Come to Kyzyl
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«    September 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Khomus Lovers will Come to Kyzyl

 Khomus Festival. Photo courtesy of  'Throat-Singing: In Pursuit of Overtones' ( and ethnomusicologists from Tuva, Bashkortostan, Altai, Yakutia, Khakasia, Britain, Usa, Switzerland will take part in the Interregional Conference on the Jewesh Harp which will be held in Kyzyl, September, 9-11. Its main aims as put in the official documents are 'to improve the mastery of playing khomus, to develop folk traditions, to establish creative contacts, to contribute to the further development of this art'. The head-liners of the event are the 'Ayar-Khaan' group from Yakutia and the 'Ulger' ensemble from Khakasia. The latter is this year Grand-Prix winner at the 'Sayan Ring' Ethnofestival. The concert of the Tuvan folk performers will take place on the 10th of August. On the next day the Fair of Khomus and other traditional instruments will be open in the House of Folk Art, where also a contest for the title of the best khomes player will be held. On the 11th of August the scientific conference 'Khomus: Traditions and Contemporaneity' will take place.

Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun
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