Kaadyr-ool Bicheldei, deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Great Khural of Tuva, takes part in the 4th World Parliamentarian's Convention on Tibet which is held these days in Edunburgh (Great Britain). At the invitation of the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party and the Westminster Parliament's All Party Groups on Tibet, some 160 Parliamentarians from 40 countries have gathered to consider recent developments in Tibet, and to debate how best to reconcile the differences facing the Chinese and Tibetan peoples. His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived here yesterda from the United States and was received and welcomed at the airport by the city's civic head, Lord Provost Lesley Hinds, Edinburgh Inter-Faith Association secretary-General Victor Spence and His Holiness' representative Mrs. Kesang Y. Takla, who heads the London-based Office of Tibet.His Holiness' programme for today includes a public talk on "Ethics for the New Millennium", a visit to the Scottish Parliament at the invitation of the Scottish Cross Party Parliamentary Group on Tibet and addressing the 4th World Parliamentarians' Convention on Tibet.