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» Tuvan Scientist is Elected into Candidates for the Public Chamber of Russia
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«    November 2005    »
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Tuvan Scientist is Elected into Candidates for the Public Chamber of Russia

13 candidates were elected at the Siberian Area Conference held in Novosibirsk. Out of these 13 the present members of the Public Chamber of Russia will elect 6 to be their colleagues in a newly set up body within the Russian power structure. Among 13 Siberian nominees is Natalia Dozhuldeevna Ondar, Tuvan scientist, sister of Tatiana Dozhuldeevna Mongush, federal inspector in the Putin's Representative Office in Tuva. 6 members from each federal area of Russia (there are 7 federal areas) will make up the final third of the Public Chamber which is supposed to be a 'People's Voice'. The first 42 members of the Public Chamber were Vladimir Putin's personal choice. This first group of members last Tuesday began selecting the body's second tranche of 42 members, which was tipped to include oligarchs Potanin and Fridman and variety star - Alla Pugachiova. The last 42 will be representatives of provincal Russia, elected at the area conferences.

Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun
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