4 October 2006 | Views: 3219 | Comments: 0 |
With a week left before the election date, October 8, black PR methods are more actively engaged to make people vote for the needed candidates. Life party candidates, main United Russia rivals, have been named 'Shoigu's traitors' in leaflets glued onto all the public places in Kyzyl.
Shoigu's name esteemed in every house in Kyzyl has been actively engaged in United Russia propaganda campaign but none has expected that it can boil to black PR as well. The leaflets are accompanied with poison-pen texts saying who is your enemy and who is your friend.
Sayana Mongush, Dina Oyun |
4 October 2006 | Views: 2886 | Comments: 0 |
The central Asian republic of Tuva has a band named Huun-Huur-Tu which is largely responsible for introducing the world to a tradition virtually unknown outside of the country. The quartet uses throat singing — a method of using a single voice to produce several notes and overtones at the same time — to create an eerie, riveting presentation with a centuries-old tradition, thus East Bay Express announces their preformance.