October 1 popular voting has started withing the framework of the 'Premia Runeta' All-Russian Net-Contest. Tuva-Online is among the nominees. Experts will take their professional decision and web-users will voice their 'Vox Populi' in a parallel popular voting which will last till November 29. We believe that we have good chances to win in the 'vox populi' part, as there is no other site on Earth whose readers are so diverse and enthusiastic.
Click here to vote Tuva-Online to victory in the All-Russian Net-Contest and get all of your friends to the same until November 29!
Select tuva-online in the website list, mark it, and click
One can vote only once a day from one's computer...
But let us all of our friends and friends of our friends do the same and see what will come of it after November 29.