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« July 2007 » |
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29 July 2007 | Views: 3896 | Comments: 2 |
Tuvan music expert Valentina Suzukei defended Doctorate 'Cultural Historical Roots of Musical Heritage of Tuvans, its Present State and Modernisation in XX Century' and became a doctor in cultiral studies. Her multifacetous study of Tuvan music culture in the XXth century was published in a monography issued in early 2007. The scientist takes a closer look at the Tuvan musical phenomenon, analyses it in the context of the nomadic world perception, gives a full account of the ritual and labour musical practices, songs, instrumental music, Tuvan traditional instruments, makes a survey of both positive and negative consequences of the attempts to 'adapt' Tuvan music to European standards.
27 July 2007 | Views: 3681 | Comments: 0 |
Today a republican scientific conference devoted to the 115th anniversary of Buyan-Badyrgy Mongush, last feudal ruler of Tuva, founder of the Tannu-Tyva state in 1921, opens in Chadan, his motherland. The conference is held within the framework of the 9th Ustuu-Khuree Festival of live music visited by over 500 guests from many regions of Russia and foreign countries. The festival and the conference are backed by the Tuvan government. The festival is aimed at reconstruction of the Ustuu-Khuree monastery ruined in 1930-ties. Villa Khaslavskaya, author of the reconstruction project, is this year honourable guest.
24 July 2007 | Views: 3512 | Comments: 0 |
Famous archaeologist, siberian Middle Age researcher, merited professor at the Moscow State University Leonid Kyzlasov, 83, died today. His contribution to the study of the Tuva's history is huge, he is the main investigator of ancient and middle age history of Tuva. Kyzlasov was among the first to make an archaeological periodisation of Tuva's history. Out of his 50 archaeological expeditions 30 were carried out on the territory of Tuva. He found 18 ancient cities in Tuva, among which was Por-Bazhyn. He left a tremendous scientific heritage - over 100 articles and 30 books. Tuvan Prime-Minister Sholban Kara-ool expressed condolescence to Leonid Kyzlasov family in which he stressed the scientist's significant contribution to the study of Tuva.
20 July 2007 | Views: 4231 | Comments: 0 |
Tuva's Prime-Minister Sholban Kara-ool gave his annual address to both houses of the Tuvan Great Khural. Speaking before the lawmakers, Kara-ool paid a special attention to key-problems in socio-economic development of Tuva, presented his view on its prospects.The Tuvan leader delivered his speech two days after his 100 days in office expired. He devoted it to an economic analysis of the situation in Tuva as well as his recommendations for the future.
5 July 2007 | Views: 3638 | Comments: 0 |
The Stan Rogers Folk Festival has come and gone for another year and by all accounts it was a successful one. I heard great music, met great people and stayed (reasonably) dry. One of the big stories of the festival was the weather that stayed rain and fog free until late Sunday afternoon. Even then, it was only a fairly brief set of showers, nothing compared to the heavy rain they had leading up to the weekend.
The sky was clear and the “blue” moon was out all three nights.
Dan MacDonald, the Cape Breton Post |
2 July 2007 | Views: 3195 | Comments: 0 |
Gambling business ceased to exist in the Republic of Tuva. The law "About prohibition of gambling business in the Republic of Tuva" signed by Tuva's President Sholban Kara-ool on June 18 came into effect on July 1, the Tuvan Government spokesperson Roksana Pyuryuna reported.
"On July 1 police officers of the republican interior department together with tax police and Kyzyl executives held raids around all the gambling establishments.