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17 June 2008 | Views: 7008 | Comments: 1 |
On July 25, in Kyzyl, will be the official opening of the Fifth International Symposium "Khoomei: Cultural Phenomenon of the Peoples of Central Asia". This is the key event of the Year of Khoomei in Tuva. The most intriguing part of the program of the symposium is the throat singers' competition. Together with Tuvan performers there will be throat singing participants from Mongolia, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Altay, Khakassia, Buryatia, Kalmykia, Yakutia, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Japan, America, France, the Netherlands, Austria, and Denmark.
Ministry of Culture, translated by Ben Stevens |
26 May 2008 | Views: 9004 | Comments: 0 |
Have you ever met a bear? That is fully possible. How about, perhaps, a bear spirit? Hardly. But the members of the shamanic society “Adyg Eeren” not just meet him on a daily basis, but often address him with questions and pleas for help. And not just this one spirit, but also many others. “Adyg Eeren” is one of the strongest shamanic societies in Tuva, and its chairman, Kara-ool Donchun-ool is one of the most powerful shamans.
24 May 2008 | Views: 6222 | Comments: 0 |
The work on the rebuilding the unique monument of Buddhist architecture – the Upper Chadan khuree ( Ustuu-Khuree)- in the Dzun-Khemchik district will be started this summer. The questions of preparation for the early summer season, the attracting of wide public participation to the construction of the future re-established temple were evaluated in Moscow at the meeting of the chairman of the Protection Council Fund “Por-Bazhyn” , Sergei Shoigu, Chairman of the Government of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, and Kamby-Lama of Tuva, Dmampel Lodoy.
By Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
12 April 2008 | Views: 4104 | Comments: 0 |
After showing this spectacular exhibition with 6,000 artifacts from burial mounds of the by-gone Scythian cultures from Tuva, Mongolia, Altaj, Kasachstan, the southern Ural region, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, with several Tuvan representatives of politics and arts present at the opening, as TuvaOnline reported, and subsequently in the Kunsthalle in Munich, this third and last leg of the monumental exhibition takes place at the Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg – see www.mkg-hamburg.de with curator Dr. Frank Hildebrandt.
27 March 2008 | Views: 5616 | Comments: 2 |
The international symposium "Khoomei: Cultural Phenomenon of the Peoples of Central Asia" will take place in Tuva July 25-27, reported "Tuva-Online" in the Ministry of Culture of the republic. This is one of the biggest events of the Year of Khoomei declared in Tuva. Already today in
the ministry people are talking about the enormous interest in the symposium, which scientists as well as khoomei-performers from around the world will take part in. The honored guests who will arrive in Kyzyl include representatives of UNESCO.
26 March 2008 | Views: 3426 | Comments: 0 |
In Russia yesterday, for the first time, Culture Worker Day was observed. President Vladimir Putin signed a edict aboutthis August 28, 2007. In Tuva, today in the House of Folk Art were honored culture workers. Vice-Premier Anatolii Damba-Huurak congratulated workers of this sphere on their professional holiday. In the evening, a salutary telegram was read from the federal minister Alexander Sokolov to the people prominent in cultural matters of Tuva.
18 March 2008 | Views: 7408 | Comments: 0 |
The release of the historical film “ By the order of Chingis Khan”, based on the novel by Yakut writer Nikolai Luginov, is scheduled for September 2008, immediately after the 2008 Olympics in Peking. Other possible dates were considered; April or even February of 2008. But in the opinion of the producer of the film, Vladimir Ivanov, which he expressed in the newspaper “Yakutia”, the Olympics in China should “spark up” international interest in Asia.
Informational agency “Khakassia”, translated by Heda Jindrak |
9 March 2008 | Views: 7050 | Comments: 1 |
This year, participants in the live music "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival, one of the most popular musical forums in Siberia, in addition to participating in the musical program, will be able to contribute to the work on the restoration of the temple Of Ustuu-Khuree. The tenth "Ustuu-Khuree" Festival will be held this year from the 15th to the 19th of July, told "Tuva Online" founder and festival director Igor Dulush.
28 Fabruary 2008 | Views: 3848 | Comments: 0 |
If you like the sound of flute, it’s like flute but with your body,” says Sayan Bapa, a member of the Tuvan folk ensemble Huun-Huur-Tu, when Feedback asks him how he would describe Tuvan overtone singing for someone who has never heard it. We think that’s an apt description for the style, which involves creating multiple notes at once by manipulating the mouth, throat and vocal chords. You can’t really grasp what it really sounds like without hearing it for yourself, though. We remember our first experience: a rumbling, guttural Hhhhhhhmmmmmmmeeerrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaahhhhh emanated from our roommate’s bedroom, where he was teaching himself the vocal technique, also called throat singing, from resources on the Internet.
John Ruscher, c-ville.com |
17 Fabruary 2008 | Views: 6777 | Comments: 0 |
In Tuva a gala-concert in the Muzdramteatr (Music-Drama Theater) officially opened February 13 the Year of Khoomei. Khoomei is a unique vocal phenomenon, whereby in the performer's throat sounds of different pitches are created simultaneously. In effect, the person becomes like an orchestra. Today khoomei became the worldwide calling card of Tuva. In the summer of 2007 the art of Tuvan throat singing enraptured Vladimir Putin and his guest Albert II, Prince of Monaco.
Dina Oyun, translated by Ben Stevens |