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5 September 2011 | Views: 3291 | Comments: 0 |
One of the most vivid representatives of the traditional school of Tuvan khoomei, who is the possessor of inimitable mastery of performance in the kargyraa style, is the National khoomeizhi of Republic Tyva Aldyn-ool Sevek.
His way of throat-singing performance is unique to such an extent that it is unmistakably recognizable, just as Soruktu Kyrgys, Ak-ool Kara-Sal, Maxim Dakpai, Kyzyl-ool Sanchy, Khunashtar-ool Oorzhak, Gennady Tumat, as well as many others among our prominent khoomeizhis were unmistakably recognizable. The it was impossible to mistake the performance of each of these khoomeizhis with that of anybody else.
Valentina Suzukei, translated by Heda Jindrak |
1 September 2011 | Views: 2929 | Comments: 0 |
At the State District Art Museum, an exhibition "The World of Nadia Rusheva's graphics" opened on 31 August. The exhibition consists of 68 graphic works from the collection of Aldan Maadyr National Museum of Republic Tyva.
The girl genius did not live a full 17 years (1952-1969). They used to call her "Pushkin in drawing".
Altapress, translated by Heda Jindrak |
6 August 2011 | Views: 4701 | Comments: 0 |
The 2nd International Felt Festival "Patterns of Life", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Tuvan People's Republic will take place on 15 August on Arat square.
It will be possible to see and obtain felt products and souvenirs made in various corners of Russia and Mongolia. Master craftsmen from Republic Altai, Bashkortostan, Khakassia, as well as from many aimaks of Mongolia will participate in the festival. There will be an exhibition and sale of yurts, a fair of folk industries products, felt-making workshops by artisans who have preserved traditional methods, and competitions.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
16 July 2011 | Views: 4380 | Comments: 0 |
Festival Ustuu-Khuree, which this year received the guardianship of the district administration for the first time, brought more than 800 guests. 24 music ensembles and 25 solo performers from 12 countries of the world - USA, France, Australia, Denmark, Belgium, Japan, Latvia, Czech Republic and others are participating in the music contest. Traditionally there are many guests from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo. Premier Sholban Kara-ool welcomed the members of the forum at the opening of the festival: "We are very grateful to our guests for their strong love for Tuva, and to the people of Chadan for their hospitality. Dzun-Khemchik district and its people have always played a special role in Tuvan history, and they continue to actively participate in the life of the republic today."
gov.tuva.ru, photo by Viktoria Lachugina, translated by Heda Jindrak |
14 July 2011 | Views: 3528 | Comments: 0 |
The 8th International Festival of Ethnic Music "Sayan Ring" that took place on 8 - 10 July in Shushenskoye had about 31 thousand visitors, as the regional ministry of culture announced.
34 groups and solo performers from various regions of Russia took part. The audiences had an opportunity to appreciate the art of laureates of the ethnic music festival 'Sayan Ring" of 2003-2005, and by recipients of the "Zolotaya Iriya" 2007-2010 ethnic music award of Siberia. Internationally famous performers and ensembles performed in the capacity of honored guests of the festival, among them Nina Nastasia (USA), Sainkho Namtchylak (Austria-France)...
Press-line.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
13 July 2011 | Views: 4332 | Comments: 0 |
According to information from Russian Geographic Society, excavations of next kurgan began in Tuva, at the Eerbek-10 archeological site. The work is led by TIGI archeologist Nikolai Smirnov. A burial of Kok-el culture(i.e. Hunnic-Sarmatian era, approximately 2nd-6th century of Common Era, just before the Turkic period). The burial yielded human bones - a young woman or a young man, who was presumably covered with a skin of a horse ( horse skull and bones were found as indirect evidence). It is already obvious that the site was partially robbed. It is planned to finish the preliminary study of the finds several days, and to provide a more accurate date.
12 July 2011 | Views: 4509 | Comments: 0 |
The nations won't forgive us
– Zoya Bairovna, the fundamental series "Monuments of Folklore of peoples of Siberia and Far East" has three Tuvan volumes . How did this immense work originate?
– It is more accurate to say: not how, but who. Doctor of philological sciences, Professor Soktoyev started it all.
In 1983, Alexander Badmayevich moved from Buryatia to Novosibirsk, and be3came the organizer of the Siberian people's folklore section, the first director of Philology institute of the Siberian section of Russian Academy of Sciences. And he founded the series "Monuments of Folklore of peoples of Siberia and Far East"; the plan was for sixty volumes.
12 July 2011 | Views: 3921 | Comments: 0 |
She is one of those who know what to do with their life and what to do in this life to fill it with meaning and content.
Literaturologist and folklorist Zoya Samdan is not a desk scholar. She has spent thirty-seven years collecting oral Tuvan folk art - tales and myths.
And Tuvan story-tellers, speaking in their native language and in Russian, have added their voices to members of other nations in the multi-volume series "Monuments of Folklore of Peoples of Siberia and Far East" - a huge project of Russian scholars from various republics that was begun in 1983 and continues to this day.
The epic connected with her work on two volumes of this series - "Tuvan folk tales" and "Myths, legends and traditions of Tuvans" - she considers a gift of fate.
5 July 2011 | Views: 3315 | Comments: 0 |
On 13 July, the 13th International Festival of Live Music and Faith "Ustuu-Khuree" will open in Tuva. Among the headliners of one of the most famous music venues of Siberia are Sainkho and Garlo (France), GenDos and Svatava Drichkova (Czech Republic), Albert Kuvezin (Tuva), Sofia (Kara-ool-Dulush and Wind Instrument Orchestra of the Government of Republic Tyva, and group "Khartyga". On the opening day, there will be horse races, dedicated to 90th anniversary of the republic and an evening concert at Chadan stadium. The concert program will be started off by Sainkho and Garlo(?).
Mergen Loigu, translated by Heda Jindrak |
4 July 2011 | Views: 4820 | Comments: 0 |
On 20 July in Ulan-Ude in Buryatia, there will be a performance by the prominent Tuvan group Huun-Huur-Tu at the Third international festival "Voice of the Nomads". Baikal-Buryatia".
This group has been called the model of high taste and style, which is why the group became a world-scale star, firmly entrenched within the elite of World music of the planet. "Novaya Buryatiya" presents an interview with Radik Tyulyush - soloist of the group, with which he has been working for six years.
Novaya Buryatiya, Anastasia Rozhkova, translated by Heda Jindrak |