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«    March 2025    »
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Front veteran Vera Bailak receives a certificate as No.1 sheep herder- thousander

Front veteran Vera Bailak receives a certificate as No.1 sheep herder- thousanderThe legendary ambulance soldier of the cavalry squadron, veteran of great Patriotic War, mother-heroine, a head of a large farming co-operative, Vera Chuldumovna Bailak has become a sheep herder-thousander No.1.  She received the certificate on May 9 at the 5-Years of Soviet Tuva Stadium from the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. Vera Bailak expressed holiday greetings to everybody, and wished them - "Support one another, and together solve today's problems in Tuva. Everybody should have a part in the development of the republic. The flowering of our native country depends on that."

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Info from government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva received the gold medal of the "Tursib" exhibition

Today was the last day of the International exhibition of  tourist and recreational services and airlines, "Tursib-2011, which took place in MVD "Sibirskaya Yarmarka" in Novosibirsk. Among the multitude of Russian and  international participants, the Tuvan presentation booth was visibly different in its exotic appearance, at the very least to visitors who are used to relax on sandy beaches of foreign countries. A traditional Tuvan yurt, with interior furnishings, masters of the yurt wearing national attire and a shaman with a drum presented an inimitable image of Tuva. People approached, examined the yurt with interest, took photographs.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Dmitri Medvedev supports the right to early pension for Tuvan throat singers

Dmitri Medvedev supports the right to early pension for Tuvan throat singers Soon, throat-singers may be equal in their rights with ballet masters and opera singers.  On April 6 president of Russia Dmitri Medvedev confirmed the list of  directives after a meeting with  cultural workers on March 24, 2011. The document contains a significant point concerning Tuvan throat-singers. The ministry of health care and social development and the ministry of culture of Russian Federation were given the task to  review the matter of giving vocal artists - Tuvan throat-singers - the right to receive their pension early and to take appropriate measures. The deadline is 1 September 2011.

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Government of RT, translated by Heda Jindrak

A lynx attacked a sheep barn in Tuva. 76 sheep perished

A lynx attacked a sheep barn in Tuva. 76 sheep perished76 sheep, 5 lambs, and one calf perished as a result of an attack on a sheepherding station of Oyun-ool Mongush in Duvuren of Sailyg sumon of the Chedi-Khol kozhuun. According to information from the Hunting and fishing commission of Tuva, predators invaded the koshara (shee barn) through the upper ventilation opening. The livestock died, mostly, as a result of  pressure-suffocation from fright.
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Info from the government press-service translated by Heda Jindrak

Made in Tuva: the taste of Grandmother's cheese

Made in Tuva: the taste of Grandmother's cheeseMai-ool Mongush, a resident of Kyzyl, has started his business in 2009, when he received a grant of the chairman of the government of Tuva - 300 thousand rubles. Now the businessman is already making seven brand products -  sour milk beverage "Bozha",  national dish chokpek with various flavors, bozhazhyk - a Tuvan cottage cheese, kurut,  fast-cooking dalgan "Jachmenka",  and Tuvan cheese - byshtak.

He also has millet in production, which is one of  Tuvan favorites. They eat it with cream, and it can be soaked in milk tea, and a real Tuvan folk dish is ready. It is a family business

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Aldynai Salchak,, translated by Heda Jindrak

Novosibirsk will have air connections with Tuva and Altai

Novosibirsk will have air connections with Tuva and AltaiRegular regional flights from Novosibirsk to Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region), Kyzyl(Tyva) and Abakan (Khakassia) will start in the summer of this year.

"One of our biggest directions which was developing successfully in 2010 is regional transport. we opened flights to Tomsk, Omsk and Gorno-Altaisk. We are planning to open flights to all the subjects of  Siberian Federal circle  by the end of  this year, or by the next spring of next year", announced the general director of Novosibirsk international airport Tolmachevo, Alexander Borodin, to the journalists on Monday.

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RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk flights now run daily and are more comfortable

Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk flights now run daily and are more comfortableStarting today, Krasnoyarsk and Kyzyl are now connected by daily flights, except on Sundays. Today,  Premier of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, returning from a business trip to Moscow, together with the general director of the transport company, Yevgenii Andrachnikov, were among the first passengers of the new Krasnoyarsk-Kyzyl flight route, performed by the company “Dexter” with an 8-passenger Swiss PilatusPC-12.  Along with them, five more residents of Kyzyl used the new services. They were completely satisfied with the price of  5750 rubles (in comparison, “NovosibirskAvia” charges 6500 rubles for the same route), and with the comfortable conditions of the flight.
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Info from translated by Heda Jindrak

Daily flights from Kyzyl to Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk start on the first day of September

Daily flights from Kyzyl to Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk start on the first day of September From  September 1, there will be daily flights between Kyzyl and Novosibirsk, except Sundays, and the flight conditions will be more comfortable. At the same tiome the pricing will remain the same. In the fall, the company “Dexter”, the first Russian air-taxi, will start to perform daily flights on the route Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk-Kyzyl and Kyzyl-Novosibirsk-Kyzyl. This understanding was reached in Kyzyl at the meeting of Premier of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool with the chairman of the board of directors of the company “Avia Management Group” (Dexter) Yevgeniy Andrachnikov. During September, which is normally the busiest month because of the start of the school year and the end of the vacation season, “Dexter” will work on the Tuvan flights in parallel with the company “NovosibirskAvia”, whose airplane flies to Kyzyl three times a week.
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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Shivilig (Tuva) invites visitors

Shivilig (Tuva) invites visitorsTomorrow, a tourist base will open at the arzhaan Shivilig (Bai-Taiga kozhuun, Tuva).   Maadyr Sayan, a local businessman,  took care of the arrangements at the famous radon spring, which was submitted to the “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) contest. New conditions will be offered to the vacationers - lodging in 4-bed cottages and Tuvan yurts. Those who like active vacations can take horse rides, there is horse-riding and sports equipment, and they can utilize tour services.
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Dina Oyun,, translated by Heda Jindrak

“Novosibirsk Avia” airline declared bankruptcy

alt“Novosibirsk Avia” airline filed for bankruptcy, contacting the arbitration court of Novosibirsk region with declaration of insolvency. According to the materials of the court, “Novosibirsk Avia” filed on April 30. The date of the preliminary hearing has not been set yet. General Director of “Novosibirsk Avia”, Igor Borodiy refused to comment on the claim.

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Izvyestiya, translated by Heda Jindrak
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