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Moscow Hosts Festival of Tuvan Music

A festival featuring Tuvan music, entitled "Kyzyl-Moscow", will be held in the Russian capital on December 29 and 30, 2004. Over the two day festival Muscovites can get acquainted with the young Tuvan folk groups Olchei, Changy-Khaaya, and Alash. The latter two are already well known both in Tuva and abroad as they are both winners of the Khoomei Festival in Kyzyl, "Ustuu-Khuree" in Chadan, and the "Sayan Ring" in Krasnoyarsk.
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Dina Oyun, Audrey Wideman

English-Tuvan Phrasebook has been recently published

A new English-Tuvan Phrasebook has come recently out, as it was reported to tuva-online by Steve Sklaire. Its author is Aldynai Seden-Khuurak, an English teacher. As he confirms: "This is definitely better than anything else I've seen. It's about 175 pages, including map, bibliography, etc. If you ever needed to say, "musk gland" or count to a billion in Tuvan, this is definitely the book for you. It's also a perfect gift for your favorite Tuvaphiles/Khoo-maniacs. You can order copies from the new store at
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Dina Oyun

Starting a Debate on the Present and Future of the Tuvan Khoomei

Following the discussion raised by the recent Tuva-Online information on the present and future of khoomei, I just want to say, no one can throatsing like a Tuvan. The nature of it cannot be recreated by anyone else - it's just not the same. There is overtone singing and then there is Tuvan throat-singing. When I hear Westernized overtone singing, it is a technique. When I hear Tuvan throat-singing it is like that person's soul appearing right before me, from the mouth, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The two sound very different to me. Anyone can overtone sing with practice, no one can Khoomei like a Tuvan!
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Audrey Wideman

Minister of Agriculture will Take Part in Tuvan Festivities

President Putin Expected these days in Tuva won't come to Tuva due to the tragic events in Beslan. The Official delegation of the Federal Government participating in the Julileum events devoted to 60th anniversary of Tuva joining in the Soviet Union will be headed by Alexei Gordeev, minister of agriculture of Russia.
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Dina Oyun

Kyzyl Hosting Tuvans from All Over the World!

Today the First Congress of ethnic Tuvans opens in Kyzyl. The most numerous delegation is that from 'Big Tuva' (Tuva itself). It comprises actors, writers, scientists etc. 85 Tuvans will come from Mongolis (Khovd and Bayan-Ulgii aimaks), Irkustk, Altai and Buryatia. Due to some visa problems Tuvans from China won't be able to come.
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Dina Oyun

Who Are This Year's Khoomei Champions in Tuva? (S. Kenneth, USA)

The International Khoomei Festival was not held this year, but in July a throat singing festival was held in the Oviur district of Tuva, which borders Mongolia. The festival was held in honor of the memory of the legendary Khoomei perfomer, Gennady Tumat, who was a native of the area.
The Oviur festival gathered both Tuvan professionals, as well as beginners and about fifty fans of throat-singing, who came all the way from countries such as Spain, the United States, and Japan. The Japanese delegation was the largest with a total of fifteen performers, led by Koichi Makigami, the organizer of the Association of Khoomei Singers in Japan. Accompanying him to Tuva were his students, among them Fuyuki Yamakawa and last year's winner in the Special Guest nomination, Koji Kijima.
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Dina Oyun

The folk group Olchei will participate in the presentation of a new video project produced by Greenpeace Russia entitled "The Nature Heritage of Russia"

Greenpeace Russia aims to preserve the unique art of Tuvan throat singing. One could compare the preservation or native culture, customs, and people to a mass of uncharted wildlife-- partly forgotten national traditions have been recently considered to be an integral part of the World Nature Heritage. Authoritative international organizations have seriously started to investigate, preserve, and disseminate information about intangible cultural heritage. Special interest has been paid to Tuvan throatsinging as its origin, traditions, mystery, and power are inseperable from the nature of Tuvan and Central Asian nomadic way of life.
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Urana Kuular

A farewell ceremony in Tuva took place in April 2004 honoring Eric Slone

A farewell ceremony in Tuva took place in April 2004 honoring Eric Slone. His ashes were spread in Tuva upon request of his wife. A ceremony was conducted by a Shaman along with several guest including: Ondar Kongar-ool, Hovalyg Kaygal-ool ("Huun-Huur-Tu"), athletes - Mongush Maadyr, Kuular Aldyn-ool, and several artists Kagay-ool Aleksey, Marat, and Afonya.
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Dina Oyun

Tuvans Celebrated the Jubileum of the Firts Researcher of Tuvan Music

Today a concert devoted to 95th anniversary of Alexei Axionov (1909-1962), Russian musicologist, who came to Tuva in th 40-ties on te invitation of the Tuvan Government, was held in Tuva. Axionov was the first to scientifically describe the phenomenon of khoomei. His book 'Tuva Folk Music', issued in 1964 only after hid death, has become a rarity.
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Dina Oyun

Tuva-online 2004 Calendar of Tuvan Events

February 21-- Shagaa (Lunar New Year)
February 29-- Musical presentation of "Olchei", Dom Center, Moscow
March 8-- Birthday of Yelena Dostai (Tutatchikova), Tuvan archer and Olympic Participant of the Atlanta Games 1996
March 9-- BBC Radio 3 Music Awards- Huun-Huur-Tu nominated, Edinburgh
March 14-- Musical party devoted to Alexei Axionov, first Tuvan music researcher, Kyzyl
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Dina Oyun
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